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Certificate in Clinical Supervision

Course Overview | Dates 

Commencing May 2025

Philosophy of the course:

This course is based on a relational approach to supervision and supervisory practice related to the broad landscape that supervision currently engages with. The course will provide the opportunity for individuals to develop their own individual style of practising as supervisors. The course will provide the opportunity to consider many of the challenges that emerge in practice within current supervision practice.

This course is suitable for qualified counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, consultants’ social workers, probation officers’ mental health workers, and others in the helping professions.

The course is aimed at practitioners post-qualified 3 years, in all different fields of work and with different theoretical approaches to counselling, psychotherapy and other forms of clinical practice. It aims to bring together helping professionals of different orientations so that they can dialogue about both their commonalities and differences in the theory and practice of supervision.

Aims of the training programme:

  • To provide participants with the theoretical basis and practical skills in supervision so that they can practice independently or in professional associations as supervisors for a range of practitioners within the helping professions. This standard is equivalent to that required by other professional associations for the accreditation of supervisors.
  • To create a semi-structured learning experience that provides models or frameworks of working knowledge and skills and reflective/reflexive practice, which can support a collaborative, coherent and cohesive approach to your best supervision practice.
  • To provide an open, creative, relational approach which, supports the participants of the course to particularly to develop a stance of sharing and exchange many areas of knowledge and expertise. This also includes the diversity of professional backgrounds, contexts and theoretical orientations providing a richness of experience, critical challenge and throughout the training.


Training programme design:

The course is structured across six 2-day modules, spaced approximately monthly to allow space for integration and application of ideas in practice. There is a considerable course emphasis on the practice of supervision. To facilitate this there is an opportunity across all the modules for live practice throughout the course. This takes the form, on one of the days in each module, of working in small groups of three or four where live supervision is conducted with feed- back from those within the group. On the alternate day of each module, live practice is conducted in a larger group where supervision of supervision can be practiced if requested.

Full course attendance and completion of the written work leads to the achievement of a Metanoia Certificate in Supervision.


Theoretical focus of the six basic modules:

Module 1:

Introductions and collating ideas that participants want to consider throughout the course which will be integrated with concepts included in the programme. There will be a historical overview of the development of supervision in the helping professions. Also, we will overview some of the different styles of supervision and the supervisory processes. These will include discussions related to supervision, values, principles and ethics,

that will enable individuals to consider their own position.


Module 2:

A review of different conceptual modes of supervision from an integrative relational perspective and current literature. We will also reflect on different stages of developmental processes that will highlight ranges of engagement and differences between individual supervisees’ learning styles. We also consider the process of establishing initial contracts with supervisees to support the supervisory working alliance.


Module 3:

Methods, goals, interventions and creativity in individual and group supervision. Working with transference, countertransference and parallel process in supervision.


Module 4:

What might be the impact regarding the supervision process when working with diversity and contextual factors, for example, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disabilities, including mental health problems.


Module 5:

Supervising the practice of short-term counselling and psychotherapy; considerations for best practice. Reviewing ethical dilemmas and professional issues in both short- and long-term practice. "Different vehicles of supervision including, onsite and online will be considered.


Module 6:

Student Presentations – a short 20-minute presentation of the candidate's own interest area in supervision together with a brief written account. Methods of evaluating our own supervisory practice will be discussed.


Certificate requirements:

On successful completion of all of the following requirements, candidates will be awarded the Certificate in Clinical Supervision:

Attendance of at least 80% of course hours (missed attendance made up as negotiated with the course tutor)  

Two pieces of written work (2,000 words) are required as follows:

  • My Philosophy of Supervision.
  • Relating Practice and theory: - Experiences of delivering supervision (gained during course practice, or in another setting) related to a model(s) of the supervisory process.


Course Summary:

  • Field of Study: Clinical Supervision
  • Duration: 1-year full time
  • Start Dates: March 2025
  • Teaching Institution: Metanoia Institute
  • Awarding Institution: Metanoia Institute
  • Professional Body: The Certificate is UKCP Recognised programme. Participants who are registrants of  UKCP, will be able to be put forward as UKCP recognised supervisors upon completion. Participants who relate to other professional bodies should highlight this award to their PSRB for recognition too.
  • Entry Requirements:
    • Qualified practitioner in a helping profession (e.g., counsellor, psychotherapist, psychologist, social worker).
    • Minimum of 3 years post-qualification experience in clinical practice.
  • English Language Requirements:
    • Applicants whose first language is not English must meet Metanoia Institute’s English language requirements for postgraduate applicants. We accept IELTS or equivalent qualifications as outlined in our admissions criteria. For specific requirements and accepted scores, please refer to the Metanoia Institute website.
  • Location: Online live
  • Course attendance requirements, peer presentation and passing of the written work leads to achievement of the Certificate.


Fees: £2,850


Entry Requirements:

  • Qualified practitioner in a helping profession (e.g., counsellor, psychotherapist, psychologist, social worker).
  • Minimum of 3 years post-qualification experience in clinical practice.

English Language Requirements:

  • Applicants whose first language is not English must meet Metanoia Institute’s English language requirements for postgraduate applicants. We accept IELTS or equivalent qualifications as outlined in our admissions criteria. For specific requirements and accepted scores, please refer to the Metanoia Institute website.

Contact for Further Information:

  • Head of Programme: Dr Paul Hitchings
    Email: paul.hitchings@metanoia.ac.uk
  • Academic Coordinator contact information: certclinsup-admin@metanoia.ac.uk


Start Your Application

At Metanoia, we are committed to empowering the next generation of professionals in counselling and psychotherapy. This programme offers a unique opportunity to develop your skills and achieve your career aspirations in a supportive learning environment.

Click the button below to begin your application:

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ℹ️ Updated 14 Dec 2024
