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Over the course of their training our students gain clinical experience through attending a number of placements in which they work with clients on a one-to-one or group basis. We believe that this experience forms an integral part of a trainee’s development as a counsellor, psychotherapist or counselling psychologist.


In-house placements with the Metanoia Counselling and Psychotherapy Service 

At Metanoia we have an in-house clinic – the Metanoia Counselling and Psychotherapy Service (MCPS) - which offers placements to our trainees and provides psychological therapy in a confidential and professional setting to the community at a lower cost.

MCPS is currently one of the largest providers of counselling and psychotherapy in London Borough of Ealing, offering short and longer term therapy to over 300 clients per year, engaging over a hundred practitioners in training placements and a number of assessors.

The placement offers professional support for both practitioners and prospective clients. The clients have an initial assessment with one of our assessors (students in advanced stages of their training) before being referred to student practitioners. Students may apply for a placement within the Clinic during their second year of training with the approval of their primary tutor. Practitioners are asked to make a commitment to work in the Clinic for one year, and see up to three clients per week.

The Metanoia Counselling and Psychotherapy Service also functions as a research clinic within the Metanoia research centre. The Research Clinic conducts ongoing routine outcomes evaluation of Transactional Analysis and Gestalt Psychotherapies, Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology, Person Centred and Humanistic counselling, within the existing clinical service.

Evaluation is conducted by using standardised sessional measures contained within the IAPT toolkit  for depression and anxiety (PHQ9 and GAD7), global distress (CORE 10), impact of external events  (VIII-E revised), Cooper – Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP) and working alliance (ARM-5).


External placements 

While most of our students do their first placement within MCPS, some students choose to find an external placement. To support students in their search we have a part-time dedicated Placements Co-ordinator. Her job includes keeping close contact with placements and ensuring that they meet the high standards that expect at the Metanoia Institute.

Placement Contact Form