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Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 protects the rights of individuals by setting out certain rules as to what organisations can and cannot do with information about people. A key element to this is the principle to process individuals’ data lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals. In order to meet the fairness and transparent manner part of the legislation we need to provide information on how we process personal data.

Metanoia Institute takes its obligations under the GDPR very seriously and will always ensure personal data is collected, handled, stored and shared in a secure manner. The Institute is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses that data and to meeting its data protection obligations

The Institute’s Privacy Notice outlines what personal data we collect, how we use it and with whom we share it. It also provides guidance on your individual rights and how to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office, the regulator for data protection in the UK.

The Institute’s official contact details are:

Data Protection Officer Metanoia Institute

13 North Common Road



W5 2QB

Tel: +44 (0)20 8579 2505
Email: dataprotection@metanoia.ac.uk

Our privacy and cookies policy can be found at the bottom of this page in the downloads section.


How to make a Subject Access Request

The GDPR gives you the right to know what information the Institute holds about you.
If you want to know whether we hold any personal information about you, please note the following:  
  • requests for subject access should be made in writing
  • you will need to supply proof of your identity e.g. a copy of the identification pages of your current passport or of a current photo driving licence
  • it would also helps us to narrow our search if you could tell us which business unit (Faculty, administrative area or service) you believe might hold personal data on you. If you are not sure, please tell us the context in which you have had dealings with us, and when
The request may be received directly from you or another individual on your behalf; in the latter case, they must provide the following:
  • signed written permission from you
  • a copy of the identification pages of your current passport, current photo UK driving licence or Institute ID card, and
  • a copy of the identification pages of their current passport, current photo UK driving licence or Institute ID card
To request access to the personal data the Institute holds about you, please download and complete a Subject Access Request form, and return it to dataprotection@metanoia.ac.uk together with proof of identity and, where appropriate written permission.

Further details on how the Institute processes personal data can be found in the following documents: