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Gestalt Psychotherapy Research

The Gestalt Department is primarily focused on practitioner-based research, adopting a collaborative inquiry approach, while also fully participating in research activities within the Metanoia Research Clinic.

Current Research Projects:

  • Evaluation of group work, with clients who present with complex trauma. The research evaluates a gestalt psychotherapy group intervention.


  • A collaborative inquiry into leadership groups, to explore what is happening 'below the surface' This collaborative action research will begin to explore, what is occurring to members of leadership groups/teams.


  • Transition from counsellor/psychotherapist to supervisor: the trainees' perspective. This is an Action Inquiry research exploring the phenomenological experiences of trainees and seeking to identify some of thefield-relational factors within a supervisor training environment that supports the transition from counsellor/coach/psychotherapist to supervisor. 

MSc in Organisational Development: A Gestalt Perspective

An action research based project, is central to the programme, where students are required to demonstrate their ability as collaborative action researchers, to inquire into the phenomena of the actual experience, in the here and now of organisational life.

Members of the Gestalt tutor team, are actively involved in practice-based research projects.

For more information of staff research interests click here.