Student Support Strategy
Metanoia Institute aims to provide a personalised, innovative teaching and supportive learning environment in which students receive a valuable educational experience. This occurs within a partnership framework in which students are responsible for their own learning while being actively supported by the Metanoia Institute to achieve their full potential.
Metanoia Institute aims to achieve their side of the partnership in the following ways:
* employing key staff who provide a range of complementary support services to enhance the student experience. These staff include academic and administrative staff and specific support staff such Librarian; Safeguarding Officer; Disability Officer and a Student Information Officer
* making available information about support services to staff and students, which can be readily accessed
* encouraging students with academic or personal support needs to access support from relevant internal and external support services; including Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) and supervisory and therapeutic support
* identifying and implementing reasonable adjustments to the services we provide, which may include providing handbooks, slides and handouts in different formats, the provision of extra tutorials, and extended library book loans
* ensuring that staff are equipped to identify and respond to students who require additional support to achieve their academic potential
* ensure that staff can sympathetically assess work submitted by students who are for example, dyslexic or where English is not their first language
* improving staff understanding to assist in the development of informed views, behaviours and attitudes towards students requiring additional academic or personal support; loan of specialist equipment, etc.
* having in place effective and confidential procedures for dealing with safeguarding incidents and the disclosure of information about students with academic or personal support requirements
* supporting the Equality and Diversity Committee monitoring and advising on issues such as recruitment and progression rates for students with support needs
* having a robust complaints policy that students can use if they feel that we have not provided the support that we endeavour to provide.