Transfer of Learning
If you have previously studied at Higher Education level, or you have acquired relevant and equivalent learning through, for example, involvement in employment, community activities, or volunteering, you may be able to transfer some of this learning towards the courses that we offer at Metanoia Institute.
If you feel that you have appropriate prior and experiential learning and you wish to enrol of any of our courses, you may in consultation with the Programme Leader of that course, complete a transfer of learning process instead of undertaking one or in some cases two years of the taught training programme. Please note that no more than 50% of the taught part of a training programme can be completed in this way.
You will need to demonstrate and provide evidence that you have completed all of the learning outcomes for the year of training that you wish to be considered for a transfer of learning. There are three different transfer of learning routes open to you: -
Certified Prior Learning
- You may be eligible if you have Certificated Prior Learning, such as a counselling or psychotherapy qualification or a certificate awarded by a recognised awarding body, such as a University. Please note, that only the parts of a previous qualification that directly map to the learning outcomes of your intended programme will be recognised for the purposes of awarding credit. To evidence prior certificated learning, you will be asked to submit copies of relevant certification, as well as attend an interview to discuss how you feel your previous learning meets the learning outcomes of the year or years that are under consideration.
Accredited Prior Learning -
You may have undertaken some counselling or psychotherapy training with an established training institution that offers courses that are accredited by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or the United Kingdom Council or Psychotherapy (UKCP) (or equivalent). Where appropriate, evidence of this learning is shown in the form of relevant certification and any assignments with feedback sheets that were submitted as part of your previous accredited learning. In addition, you submit a 2000 – 3000-word reflective piece (per year) describing how you feel your prior accredited learning meets the learning outcomes of the year or years that are under consideration.
Experiential learning -
You can also claim academic credit for learning that is derived from experience and/or work (called experiential learning). Evidence of this learning is submitted in the form of an 8000 - 9000-word portfolio of evidence, for each year that is under consideration. Your portfolio needs to show how your previous learning maps onto the learning outcomes of those years. Most commonly, this type of transfer of learning is used when you have undertaken previous counselling or psychotherapy training but the training is not recognised by Ofqual, BACP or UKCP.
To enquire about the transfer of learning process, please navigate to the course in question, click the apply button (found on the bottom right hand of the page). You will be required to create a user account, following which you can use the communication facility to contact us.
To access the Metanoia Institutes Student Transfer Policy please follow this link.