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Learning Support for Students

🚩 Please note that this page is currently under review (29 Nov 2024)

Our Disability Service can provide a range of support and advice whether you are a prospective, new or current student.

For a discussion about any support needs or questions about studying at Metanoia or for help with a Learning Support Plan, contact our Wellbeing and Disability Support Team via email at disability@metanoia.ac.uk.

We offer practical support and advice for a wide range of disabilities including specific learning difficulties; unseen disabilities such as epilepsy, asthma or diabetes; physical or sensory disabilities; Asperger's Syndrome; chronic medical conditions and mental health problems.

More information on the Disabled Students' Allowance

There are several support arrangements that we can put in place to support you with your studies, such as extra time in exams, extra tutorials, etc., (the leaflet below gives further details of these). These can only be put in place, however, when you have contacted the Disability Service and provided evidence of your disability. A leaflet giving more details about our disability support services can be found on Moodle. 

🚩 Please note that this page is currently under review (29 Nov 2024)

Learning Support for Students FAQ


There are several support arrangements that can be put in place to support your studies. These are called reasonable adjustments and they include:  

  • extra time for assessment deadlines,
  • extra tutorial sessions  
  • workshop/lecture slides in advance of lectures.

Other reasonable adjustments can also be considered based on your specific needs. The reasonable adjustments will be included in a document called a reasonable adjustment plan (RAP). Once completed the RAP will be shared with your Director of Studies and Primary Tutor.


 If you are registered as a student on degree, masters or PHD programmes , you may be able to claim disabled students allowances (DSA). This is a scheme run by the government and if you are eligible, you may be entitled to the following:


  •       Specialist equipment – for example costs for a computer and specialist software e.g., speech to text software. Recording equipment can also be awarded.
  •       Non-medical helper – for example, if you need a study skills tutor /BSL interpreter to attend lectures
  •       Travel – for example, if you need to use a taxi to attend Metanoia
  •       Printing costs


More information about DSA and details on how to apply can be found by clicking on this link:



You can get an assessment from an educational psychologist or a specialist dyslexia teacher. You can find contact details online. Here are some details of a few but these are provided as a guide only and are not an endorsement. You should make your own enquiries and research.


Independent Dyslexia Consultants


IDC, Fifth Floor, Tavistock House,

Tavistock Square WC1H 9HX.

Assessments: 020 7383 3724



British Dyslexia Association
You can also contact the British Dyslexia Association here is the link https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/  Click on the link marked our services and then the tab assessments. To contact them here: https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/contact 

Costs: Approximately


UK Adult ADHD Network


The ADHD Centre





Metanoia Institute is committed to a ‘universal design for learning’ model, which aims to ensure that all slides, PowerPoints, handouts and written information is provided in the clearest possible format.  We pledge to pay attention to font size and style, background colour and the clarity of language used.  We aim to remove barriers to learning where we find them.  Our academic staff seek to ensure that learning and teaching is well-paced, allows good time for questions and periods for absorption.  We also encourage students to speak to their tutors and their Director of Studies about any concerns or issues they may have about their own learning. We want to support our students – and also to improve our own teaching and learning in response to feedback from students!