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Additional Course Requirements

If you undertake one of our counselling or psychotherapy training courses, as well as attending the training you will need to meet the following additional requirements:

Personal counselling or psychotherapy - A requirement of the course is that you will remain in weekly personal therapy throughout the entire training, and so in excess of 120+ hours will normally be accrued for counselling students and 160+ for psychotherapy students.

Counselling students will need to be in face to face therapy with a BACP or UKCP accredited counsellor or psychotherapist and Psychotherapy students in face to face psychotherapy with a UKCP registered psychotherapist.

Occasionally, where a psychotherapist is not UKCP accredited but can prove equivalence, they may be considered suitable but you need to check this with the programme leader of the course on which you wish to enrol.

Please note that the cost for therapy is not included in the course fees and needs to be funded separately by you.

Supervision –

Once you start to see clients (usually at the beginning of year 2), you will be required to receive fortnightly supervision as a means of supporting your clinical practice. Some clinical placements offer supervision as part of the service they provide, others don’t. If you attend a placement with in-house supervision, you must still attend at least one supervision session a month with an approved Metanoia supervisor. You will need at least 35 hours of supervision before graduation if you attend a counselling course and 150 if you attend a psychotherapy course. To help you with this, we provide a list of approved supervisors via the course academic coordinator. Please note that the cost for supervision is not included in the course fees and needs to be funded separately by you. .

Clinical Practice –

From the second year onwards you will be required to start seeing clients (18+). As well as our in-house clinic, where several students undertake their first placement, we have some excellent resources to help you find placements, including dedicated clinical placements and development officers and a placement data base and noticeboard.

Counselling students will be required to gain a minimum of 150 hours before taking their final exams and psychotherapy students 450 (750 for TA students). These hours need to be gained through face-to-face work with adult clients. Your supervisor will be required to regularly sign your clinical practice log to evidence compliance with this requirement. Mental Health Familiarisation Placement –

All psychotherapy students (unless they have substantial previous experience of mental health systems) need to undertake a Mental Health Familiarisation Placement. This placement is usually undertaken sometime during the final two years of your course and usually during the week. The general aim of the Placement is for candidates to gain familiarity with, and first-hand experience of, the thinking and clinical methods used in the psychiatric profession and the main mental health delivery systems in Britain, as well as the Mental Health Act.