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MSc in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy

Applications now open

We are now accepting applications for this programme.

Click here to start your application >>


Director of Studies – Nikki Millard

Before starting this programme it is a prerequisite that you have attended the TA101 Introductory Workshop and also completed the Certificate in Therapeutic Skills short course, or equivalent.

The certificate in therapeutic skills (or equivalent) is a requirement for starting any of our MSc courses at Metanoia.  

A part-time training leading to a Diploma and MSc degree in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy, which will provide you with automatic registration with UKCP and a qualification to practice as a psychotherapist, with additional optional Diploma in TA Psychotherapeutic Counselling route available from the third year of training.

Metanoia Institute’s TA psychotherapy qualification provides an in-depth training for those planning a career as a psychotherapist. The total length of this programme is five years (part-time) and runs for one weekend a month over ten months for the first four years, followed by an examination preparation module.

Transactional Analysis gives us the tools to consider how we are structured psychologically: using the ego state model we consider why we function and behave the way we do. In TA we analyse how we communicate and how this impacts our relationships, linked to this is theory regarding child development and understanding our life script. This helps us to understand how and why we may repeat patterns of behaviour and relationships in adult life which are unhelpful, dysfunctional and/or painful. 

At Metanoia we engage with the different schools of TA, learning about the classical concepts, theory from the Cathexis and Redecision schools, as well as Relational theory. We model and work with a relational approach, which means that we use ourselves in the relationship and recognise that we co-create relational dynamics with others.

The course includes theoretical input, skills training, personal development and practical experience of working with clients (from the second year of training).

Awards on completion of the full programme:

  • 180 Credits achieved at level 7
  • MSc in TA Psychotherapy
  • Metanoia Clinical Diploma in TA Psychotherapy, leading to UKCP registration
  • Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA) status, awarded by European Association of Transactional Analysis (EATA)


Students in the third year and above can additionally opt to take the Metanoia Institute Diploma in TA Psychotherapeutic Counselling, which is gained via additional study days, a written case study and oral examination. 

We are the only TA training institute in the UK which is endorsed by EATA to run our final exams on site, meaning our students can sit their final exams here at Metanoia. Otherwise this would mean students need to attend final exams at a TA conference, either in the UK or abroad. 

This programme was developed and is delivered and assessed by Metanoia Institute.

For an informal discussion about the course please email the course administrator Manos Kouvedakis or call him on 020 8832 3074.

This programme is validated and quality assured by Middlesex University and you will receive a Middlesex award on successful completion.

Middlesex University Programme Spec 

Metanoia Institute has begun the process to be able to award its own degrees. This will not affect students starting in 2023. Please see here for further details

Applications now open

We are now accepting applications for this programme.

Click here to start your application >>


Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy Course Enquiry

If you have any questions please get in contact with us below and we will respond to your enquiry.