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Annual Course Fees for 2025/2026

Gestalt Psychotherapy - YR1 5,125 GBP

Gestalt Psychotherapy - YR2 5,125 GBP

Gestalt Psychotherapy - MSc Stage 1 (YR3) 7,150 GBP

Gestalt Psychotherapy - MSc Stage 2 (YR4) 7,150 GBP

Gestalt Psychotherapy - MSc Stage 3 (YR5) 3,100 GBP


Diploma Only Fees for 2025/2026

Gestalt Psychotherapy - YR3 (Diploma only fee) 5,125 GBP

Gestalt Psychotherapy - YR4 (Diploma only fee) 5,125 GBP

Gestalt Psychotherapy - YR5 (Diploma only fee) 3,100 GBP


Please note, Metanoia Institute regularly reviews its tuition fees structure and further changes such as fee increases may be applied on an annual basis to new students. All fees quoted are provisional and subject to change.


Transfer of Learning Fees (TLF)

The following are examples of TLF that you can expect to pay. The fees could be made up of a number of combinations as they will depend on your circumstances and the route you take. We will therefore inform you of the fees payable once your interview has taken place.

Certified Learning (£10.00 per unit – cost per year)                        £100.00

Accredited Learning (To transfer learning for one year)                   £230.00

Accredited Learning (To transfer learning for two years)                  £300.00

Experiential Learning (To transfer learning for one year)                  £500.00

Experiential Learning (To transfer learning for two years)                £750.00


Information about fees.

Your programme of study may require you to undertake personal therapy and/or to engage in clinical supervision whilst undertaking placement. The costs of personal therapy and clinical supervision are not included in the tuition fees, so please note that you will be paying for therapy and clinical supervision in addition to the tuition fees listed above.

The approximate cost of therapy is between £50-£70 an hour, for supervision the cost is approximately £55-£75 an hour.

If you start working with clients during your studies, you must also take out professional indemnity insurance which costs around £80 per year.


Fee payment options for all students

Please note that from September 2020, the payments options available for students (new and continuing) are as follows:

· Payment of fees in full.

· Payment by your sponsor/employer; this requires you to pay a deposit which will be refunded when payment is received in full from your sponsor/employer. You will be liable for any outstanding fees in the event of default on the part of the employer or sponsor.

· Payment of the fees with a deposit due immediately on acceptance to the course, followed by five further direct debit payments (please note, if two consecutive direct debit payments are returned unpaid by your bank, the remaining outstanding balance will become immediately due).


EU Students March 2021


From MSc Year 1, students may be eligible for a Postgraduate Master’s Loan https://www.gov.uk/masters-loan

Please note, Government funding is not available to students following the diploma route only