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MSc in Gestalt Psychotherapy

Programme Leader: Dr Diane Hodgson 


Applications now open

We are accepting applications for this programme. Click here to apply. 

Course Overview

This programme offers post-graduate training in Gestalt Psychotherapy and will provide you with a strong knowledge base and the expertise to practice as a Gestalt psychotherapist with a broad range of clients in a variety of settings.

The total length of this programme is five years (part-time) and runs for one weekend a month over ten months for the first four years, followed by an examination module.

· Course Philosophy

Our Gestalt training is based on a holistic and relational approach to working with clients. Central to our philosophy is the primacy of the relationship as the main healing factor as well as attendance to both mind and body processes. Gestalt is more than psychotherapy: it is a philosophy for living and being in the world, involving mind, body and soul. We aim to provide the conditions in which the liveliness, vitality and excitement of existence can be experienced directly and students are encouraged to build upon their existing knowledge and experience and learn experientially from their interactions in the training group. This requires a respectful stance to individual learning needs and styles, as well as insight to appreciate diversity, for example of race, culture, gender, sexual orientation and class.

· Course Aims

The overall aim of the programme is to support students to become competent, reflexive Gestalt practitioners who can take a research approach, have an ability to integrate theory and practice and can work effectively in a variety of settings.

This programme is validated and quality assured by Middlesex University and you will receive a Middlesex award on successful completion.

Middlesex University Programme Spec 

Metanoia Institute has begun the process to be able to award its own degrees. This will not affect students starting in 2023. Please see here for further details


MSc in Gestalt Psychotherapy Course Enquiry

If you have any questions please get in contact with us below and we will respond to your enquiry.