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MSc in Contemporary Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Applications

Entry Requirements

Psychotherapy is a postgraduate profession and applicants are required to demonstrate that they are able to work at postgraduate level. Applicants need to demonstrate evidence of a proficiency in English.

Applicants will have ONE (or more) of the following:

  • A degree in psychology or a related discipline (such as sociology, education, theology, philosophy, etc.) or
  • A non-relevant degree (such as accounting, art, etc.)  
  • Metanoia Certificate in Therapeutic Skills or an equivalent Certificate in Counselling qualification 
  • Experience of working with people in a helping capacity 
  • Students who have English as an additional language and do not have a prior higher education award which was taught in English are required to have an ELTS score of 7.0 (with a minimum 6.5 in each component).  

If this course is of interest to you please Apply Online