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Doctorate in Psychotherapy by Professional Studies DPsych(Prof)

Entry Requirements

  • A first degree in psychotherapy, counselling, psychology, or a related discipline, with a minimum of a 2:1 classification.
  • Accreditation with UKCP, BACP, BPS, or an international equivalent.
  • English language proficiency for non-native speakers: IELTS minimum 7.0 (with no component below 6.5).
  • English Language Requirements:
    • Applicants whose first language is not English must meet Metanoia Institute’s English language requirements for undergraduate applicants. We accept IELTS or equivalent qualifications as outlined in our admissions criteria. For specific requirements and accepted scores, please refer to the Metanoia Institute website.

The selection process aims to ensure that students admitted to the programme are likely to complete it successfully. The DPsych programme places high demands on students’, abilities and personal resources. Therefore, the selection process has to be thorough and rigorous.