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Please find below some resources and publications relating to schools-based counselling:

Cooper, M., R Stafford, M., Saxon, D., Beecham, J., Bonin, E., Barkham, M., Bower, P., Cromarty, K., Duncan, C., Pearce, P., Rameswari, T., Ryan, G.  (2021) Humanistic counselling plus pastoral care as usual versus pastoral care as usual for the treatment of psychological distress in adolescents in UK state schools (ETHOS): a randomised controlled trial

The Lancet Child and Adolescent Mental Health Volume 5, Issue 3, P178-189, March 01, 2021


Rose Stafford, M., Cooper, M., Barkham, M., Beecham, J., Bower, P., Cromarty, K., Fugard, A., Jackson, C., Pearce, P., Ryder, R. & Street, C. (2018). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of humanistic counselling in schools for young people with emotional distress (ETHOS): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 19 (1). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323671419_Effectiveness_and_cost-effectiveness_of_humanistic_counselling_in_schools_for_young_people_with_emotional_distress_ETHOS_Study_protocol_for_a_randomised_controlled_trial

Pearce, P., Sewell, R. & Cromarty, K. (2018) School and education settings. In: Pattison, S., Robson, M. and Beynon, A. (eds.) Handbook of counselling children and young people. (Second Edition) London: BACP and Sage Publications

Pearce, P., Sewell, R. & Proud, G. (2018) Groupwork. In: Pattison, S., Robson, M. and Beynon, A. (eds.) Handbook of counselling children and young people (Second Edition) London: BACP and Sage Publications

Beecham, J. & Pearce, P. (2018) Cost-effectiveness of school-based humanistic counselling for psychological distress in young people: pilot randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 47:4, 460-471, DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2018.1552777https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03069885.2018.1552777

Pearce, P., Sewell, R., Cooper, M., Osman, S., Fugard, J. B. & Pybis, J., (2017) Effectiveness of school-based humanistic counselling for psychological distress in young people. Psychology and Psychotherapy, Theory, Research and Practice https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Pearce2

Pearce, P. Person-Centered Counseling (2015) Sage Video http://sk.sagepub.com/video/peter-pearce-discusses-person-centered-counseling

Cooper, M., Fugard, A., J. B., Pybis, J., McArthur, K. & Pearce, P. (2015) Estimating effectiveness of school-based counselling: Using data from controlled trials to predict improvement over non-intervention change. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 15(4), pp 262-273 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/capr.12017/full

Pearce, P., Sewell, R. & Cromarty, K. (2014) School and education settings. In: Pattison, S., Robson, M. and Beynon, A. (eds.) Handbook of counselling children and young people. London: BACP and Sage Publications, pp 415-426

Pearce, P., Sewell, R. & Proud, G. (2014) Groupwork. In: Pattison, S., Robson, M. and Beynon, A. (eds.) Handbook of counselling children and young people London: BACP and Sage Publications, pp 212-228

Pearce, P. (2014) Forty Years on from Rogers' APA Address, ‘Some New Challenges for the Helping Professions’. Self & Society, 41(2), pp 38-44 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Pearce2

Pearce, P. & Sommerbeck, L. eds. (2014) Person-Centred Practice at the Difficult Edge. Ross-on-Wye, England: PCCS Books. http://www.pccs-books.co.uk/products/diffult-edge/#.U_YfgvldWL0

Pearce, P. & Sewell, R. (2014) 'Tenuous contact': New theory about adolescent process. In: Pearce, P., Sommerbeck, L., Pearce, P. and Sommerbeck, L. (eds.) Person-centred practice at the difficult edge. Ross-on-Wye, England: PCCS Books.

Pearce, P. & Sewell, R. (2014) Tenuous contact. Therapy Today, 25(6), pp 28-30 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Pearce2

A review of Person-centered and experiential therapies work: A review of the research on counselling, psychotherapy and related practices, edited by M. Cooper, J.C. Watson and D.  Hölldampf, Ross-on-Wye,  PCCS Books, 2010, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 201, 1- 4 iFirst Article Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group


2011 (with Dr. Stephen Goss)    

Pearce, P. & Sewell, R. Chapter on Working in Schools in Next Steps in Counselling Practice (2nd Edition) A students companion for Degree, HE Diplomas and vocational courses. Edited by Pete Sanders, Alan Frankland and Paul Wilkins    PCCS Books


July 2009