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Annual Course Fees for 2024/2025

Doctorate in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy by Professional Studies – YR1 8,750 GBP

Doctorate in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy by Professional Studies – YR2 8,750 GBP

Doctorate in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy by Professional Studies – YR3 8,750 GBP

Doctorate in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy by Professional Studies – YR4 8,750 GBP

Continued writing up of research (Per semester)                                                       2,063 GBP

An additional fee of £900 would apply in the unlikely event of a resubmission being necessary for your doctoral research project and viva.


Annual Course Fees for 2025/2026:

Year 1: £9,025

Year 2: £9,025

Year 3: £9,025

Year 4: £9,025

  • Continued writing up of research (Per semester): £2,125.
  • An additional fee of £925 would apply in the unlikely event of a resubmission being necessary for your doctoral research project and viva.


Please note, Metanoia Institute regularly reviews its tuition fees structure and further changes such as fee increases may be applied on an annual basis to new students. All fees quoted are provisional and subject to change.

You should also take into account the cost of personal therapy during the programme at typically £45-£75 per session, depending on location.

Students on the DCPsych are eligible to apply for a postgraduate loan of up to £26,445 (currently, at Dec 2020) and this is not means tested. When making an application, search under "Middlesex University" for the DCPsych.

Clinical supervision is frequently provided by the practice-based learning provider, especially in the NHS, but there are also some placements where this is not the case.  Candidates in this situation should therefore also consider the cost of fortnightly supervision (typically £50-£80 per session). Some clinical supervisors offer reduced fees for students.

In addition, you should take budget for the cost of transport and possibly accommodation, depending on where you live.  You may apply for a Students' Union discount card (Totum Card) which additionally offers discounts on groceries, dining out, computer equipment, as well as many other special offers and discounts.

The number of hours of teaching contact on the DCPsych, together with requirement to undertake placement-based learning, means that DCPsych Candidates are considered to be full-time for the purposes of council tax and Student Railcard.

The Institute and Middlesex University provide access to all software you are likely to need (for example qualitative or quantitative analysis software, referencing etc), including the full suite of Microsoft Office programs for the duration of your studies.

The libraries of Metanoia and Middlesex University provide access to all recommended reading materials, including the loan of titles in e-book format.  We recommend however that a few core titles are purchased, as you will need to refer to them on a frequent basis throughout your studies.

EU Students March 2021