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This event has now passed.

Details of the Research Academy 2022 - 25th February can be found here: https://www.metanoia.ac.uk/researchacademy22/

FULL KEYNOTE WITH DR VIKRAM KOLMANNSKOG Queering psychotherapy training & research now available for all


Friday 19th February 2021 0930 – 1630.

The Research Academy will be an Online Event(Zoom) for 2021.

The aim of this year’s Research Academy is to explore the fundamental purpose of research in psychology, counselling and psychotherapy whilst offering practical help to develop confidence in your research skills and knowledge. 

We are excited to welcome two international keynote speakers, and to be able to offer a selection of inspiring and informative workshops. The workshops will provide an opportunity to focus on your own projects or to learn about new methods and approaches to research. The workshops are led by qualified researchers, lecturers, psychotherapists and psychologists familiar with the demands involved in a postgraduate research journey from beginning phase through to completion.



0930 – 1030

 Keynote with Dr Vikram Kolmannskog

Queering psychotherapy training & research

Followed by Q & A hosted by Dr Julianna Challenor



1030 – 1100


Break (30 minutes)


1100 – 1230




Workshop: Choose 1 of 4 the following:

Dr Joel Vos:              Writing a literature review

Dr Lia Foa:                 Using thematic analysis

Dr Rupert King:         Demystifying the ‘ologies’: Ontology,        Epistemology, Axiology and Phenomenology – insights for researchers       

Dr Elena Gill Rodriguez: Employing Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) in psychology, counselling, and psychotherapy research


1230 – 1330


Break (1 hour)


1330 – 1430



What is the purpose of research?

Followed by Interview and Q & A hosted by Dr Biljana van Rijn



1430 – 1445



Break (15 minutes)



1445 - 1615



Workshop: Choose 1 of 3 the following:

1-Dr Joel Vos:                                 Writing a research proposal

2-Prof. William B. Stiles

& Dr Biljana van Rijn:                 Theory building & case study 


3-Dr Sofie Bager-Charleson:           Quality in qualitative analysis


1615 – 1630


Closing comments and end





Dr Vikram Kolmannskog - Queering psychotherapy training and research

Psychotherapy – training, research, and practice – has a problematic past when it comes to gender and sexuality diversity. Homosexuality was a diagnosis – until 1973 in the DSM and 1990 in the ICD. The trans experience was considered a diagnosis until 2013 in the DSM and 2018 in the ICD. While most therapies today are becoming LGBT/queer-friendlier, therapists and researchers are also part of the wider societal field where there is still much bias despite rapidly changing attitudes. In this keynote I will introduce participants to intersections of queerness, therapy and research - including a study I carried out with therapy students to explore heteronormativity. We will explore what queering of psychotherapy means, why it is needed, and what it can offer to all of us, queer or straight. Hopefully, it will inspire and enable participants to better explore and address their own bias, perspectives and position.

DR VIKRAM KOLMANNSKOG is a queer-of-colour gestalt therapist, supervisor and professor at the Norwegian Gestalt Institute. Among his therapy research interests are gender and sexuality diversity; climate change and ecology; and, Buddhist and other spiritual practices, including mindfulness. Vikram also writes fiction and is the author of The Empty Chair. Tales from Gestalt Therapy (Routledge, 2018). He is based in Oslo, Norway. www.Vikram.no


Professor William B Stiles - What is the purpose of research? 

I want to distinguish four alternative research purposes: theory-building, fact gathering, product-testing, and enriching. To repeat, these are purposes, not methods. You can use any research method for any of these purposes. These four are wholly different projects, trying to accomplish different things.These purposes have been called by various names, but I think you'll recognize the categories.

Presentation, followed by an interview and Q&A.

WILLIAM B. STILES is Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA, and Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, USA. He also taught  at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and he has held visiting positions at the Universities of Sheffield and Leeds in the United Kingdom, at Massey University in New Zealand, at the University of Joensuu in Finland, and at Maia University Institute in Portugal. He received his Ph.D. from UCLA in 1972.  He has been President of the Society for Psychotherapy Research and of Division 29 of the American Psychological Association (Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy). He has served as Editor of Psychotherapy Research and Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies. He has published more than 300 journal articles and book chapters, most dealing with psychotherapy, verbal interaction, and research methods.

Website: http://www.users.miamioh.edu/stileswb/

Email: stileswb@miamioh.edu


  • Current Metanoia students: £10 
  • Metanoia alumni and students from other institutions: £45
  • Standard: £60



  • 09:30 - 16:30
  • 19 February 2021
  • Online / Zoom
  • Current Metanoia students: £10 Metanoia alumni and students from other institutions: £45 Standard: £60