Joel Vos
Dr Joel Vos PhD
PhD Psychology, Philosophy (NL Accred.)
Faculty: Researcher
Tel: 0208 579 2505
Biography: Dr Joel Vos does research, teaches and supervises on research in psychological counselling and psychotherapy. His research work focuses at developing the scientific foundations of existential and other humanistic therapies.
In the past, he has coordinated research on existential therapies, and on meaning-centred therapies more in particular, in close collaboration with mental health services. Together with his doctorate students, he has coordinated clinical trials for patients in palliative care, living with cancer, after a heart attack or stroke, and in chronic pain. Dr Vos has published over 70 peer-reviewed articles and chapters in handbooks, and a book on the psychological-existential impact of genetic counselling. In 2018, he published his book ‘Meaning in life: a guide for practitioners’ on the basis of his research line. He self-published an artistic public-friendly book on meaning-centered research: ‘Fifty pictures of living a meaningful life’. Joel chairs the IMEC International Meaning Conferences (, and is involved in networks on existential therapies. In addition to his work at Metanoia, he is also programme leader of the professional doctorate in Existential Psychotherapy and Counselling at the London New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling.
Joel’s work reflects an integration of different perspectives, as he studied both Clinical & Health Psychology, and Philosophy. Joel holds his own psychology practice (, and gives trainings, lectures, counselling, assessment and consultancy to individuals, companies, politicians, and NGOs. He has been trained in different therapeutic approaches in the Netherlands, and his general therapeutic approach may be described as pluralistic with a specific attention for existential themes. His work has been awarded with several grants and prizes, with over £1.500.000 in research grants.
Institute Roles:
Recent Publications & Journals:
* Hirsch Scientific Publication Index: 17. * Books: 1. Vos, J. (2018). Meaning in life: an evidence-based handbook for practitioners. Palgrave McMillan. 2. Vos, J. (2017). Fifty pictures of living a meaningful life. Independent publishing house. 3. Vos, J. (2011). Opening the psychological black box in genetic counseling. A counselee-oriented, integrative approach on the impact of DNA-testing on the lives of counselees. Gildeprint Enschede.
- Chapters 1. Vos, J. (2018). Phenomenological-existential therapies: a review of its empirical evidence. In: Van Deurzen, E. (ed.) World Handbook of Existential Therapies. Sage. 2. Vos, J. (2017). Death and meaning: how to live a meaningful life in the face of death. In: Menzies, Menzies & Iverach. Curing the dread of death. 3. Vos, J. & Adams, M. (2017). Challenges and new developments: meaning and existential- phenomenological therapy. In: Van Deurzen, E. (ed.) World Handbook of Existential Therapies. Sage. 4. Vos, J. (2016). Working with meaning in life in mental health care: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses of the practices and effectiveness of meaning-centered therapies. In: Russo-Netzer, P., Schulenberg, S. E., & Batthyany, A. (Eds.) Meaning in positive and existential psychotherapy. Springer: New York. 5. Vos, J. (2016). Working with meaning in life in individuals with a chronic or life-threatening disease: a review of its relevance and the effectiveness of meaning-centered therapies. In: Russo-Netzer, P., Schulenberg, S. E., & Batthyany, A. (Eds.) Meaning in positive and existential psychotherapy. Springer: New York. 6. Van der Spek, N., Jansen, F., Holtmaat, K., Vos, J., Breitbart, W., van Uden-Kraan, C. F., ... & Verdonck-de Leeuw, I. M. Cost-utility analysis of meaning-centered group psychotherapy for cancer survivors.In: Van der Spek, N. (2016). Meaning-centered group psychotherapy for cancer survivors: development, efficacy and cost-utility. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 7. Craig, M., Vos, J., Cooper, M., & Correia, E. A. (2016). Existential psychotherapies. In: Cain, David J. (Ed); Keenan, Kevin (Ed); Rubin, Shawn (Ed). (2016). Humanistic psychotherapies: Handbook of research and practice, 2nd ed., , (pp. 283-317). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association, xviii. 8. Vos, J., Glas, G., ten Ham, B. H., Hulsbergen, M., & Bohlmeijer, E. (2014). Existentiele angst. In: Bohlmeijer et al. (eds). Transdiagnostische factoren-theorie en praktijk., 313-334.
- International refereed journals (* REF rating) 1. Van der Spek, N., Vos, J., van Uden-Kraan, C. F., Breitbart, W., Cuijpers, P., Holtmaat, K., ... & Verdonck de Leeuw, I. M. (2017). Efficacy of meaning-centered group psychotherapy for cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 1-12. 4* 2. Vos, J. & Vitali, D. (2017). Psychological treatments supporting clients to live a meaningful life: a meta-analysis of the effects of meaning-centered therapies on quality-of-life and psychological-stress. Journal of palliative and supportive care. (in print) 4* 3. Vos, J., Cooper, M., Hill, C. E., Neimeyer, R. A., Schneider, K., & Wong, P. T. (2017). Five Perspectives on the Meaning of Meaning in the Context of Clinical Practices. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 1-15. 2* 4. Van Bruggen, V., Vos, J. et al (2017). The Existential Concerns Questionnaire (ECQ) – Development and Initial Validation of a New Existential Anxiety Scale in a Nonclinical and Clinical Sample. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 4* 5. Vos, J. (2017). Meaningful research: a review and vision on evidence-based meaning in life and meaning-centered practices. Journal of Existential Positive Psychology. (accepted) 3* 6. Van Bruggen, V., Vos, J., Westerhof, G., Bohlmeijer, E., & Glas, G. (2015). Systematic review of existential anxiety instruments. Journal of humanistic psychology, 55(2), 173-201. 3* 9. Vos, J., Craig, M., & Cooper, M. (2015). Existential therapies: a meta-analysis of their effects on psychological outcomes. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 83(1), 115. 4* 10. Van der Spek, N., Vos, J., van Uden-Kraan, C. F., Breitbart, W., Cuijpers, P., Knipscheer-Kuipers, K., ... & Verdonck-de Leeuw, I. M. (2014). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of meaning-centered group psychotherapy in cancer survivors: protocol of a randomized controlled trial.BMC psychiatry,14(1),22.2* 11.Van der Spek, N., Vos, J., van Uden-Kraan, C. F., Breitbart, W., Tollenaar, R. A., Cuijpers, P., & Verdonck de Leeuw, I. M. (2013). Meaning making in cancer survivors: a focus group study. PLoS One, 8(9). 2* 12. Vos, J., Cooper, M., Correia, E., & Craig, M. (2015). Existential therapies: A review of their scientific foundations and efficacy. Existential Analysis, 26(1), 49-70. 2* 13. Spek, N., Uden‐Kraan, C. F., Vos, J., Breitbart, W., Tollenaar, R. A., Asperen, C. J., ... & Verdonck‐de Leeuw, I. M. (2014). Meaning‐centered group psychotherapy in cancer survivors: a feasibility study. PsychoOncology, 23(7), 827-831. 3* 14. Spek, N. D., Vos, J., Van Uden-Kraan, C. F., Knipscheer-Kuipers, K., Willemsen, V., Breitbart, W., ... & Verdonck-de Leeuw, I. M. (2014). Meaning-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Cancer Survivors. PsychoOncology. 3* 15. Vos, J., Menko, F. H., Oosterwijk, J. C., Asperen, C. J., Stiggelbout, A. M., & Tibben, A. (2013). Genetic counseling does not fulfill the counselees' need for certainty in hereditary breast/ovarian cancer families: an explorative assessment. Psycho‐Oncology, 22(5), 1167-1176. 3* 16. Vos, J., Craig, M., & Cooper, M. (2013). Existential Interventions in Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Psycho-oncology, 22, 73-74. 4* 17. Vos, J., Breitbart, W. Meaning and existential givens in the lives of cancer-patients: a philosophical perspective on psycho-oncology. Palliative & Supportive Care. 3* 18. Van der Spek, N, Vos, J, Van Uden-kraan, CF, Breitbart, W, Tollenaar, RAEM, Cuijpers, P, Verdonck-de Leeuw, IM. Meaning-making in Dutch cancer survivors: a focus group study. Psycho-Oncology. 3* 19. Vos, J., Van Asperen C.J., Oosterwijk J., Menko, F., Tibben, A. (2012). The counselees’ self-reported wish for psychological help in genetic counseling for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer: not only psychopathology matters. Psycho-Oncology. 4* 20. Vos,J., Menko,F.H. Oosterwijk,J.C., Gomez-Garcia,E.B., van Asperen,C.J., Collee,M., Stiggelbout,A.M., Tibben,A. (2012). Genetic counseling as fulfillment of the cancer-patient's need for certainty: Description of perceived certainty, need for certainty and reactions to unfulfilled need for certainty in a prospective study in BRCA1/2-probands. Psycho-Oncology. 4* 21. Vos,J., Oosterwijk,J.C., Gomez-Garcia,E.B., Menko,F., van Asperen,C., Stiggelbout,A.M., Tibben,A. (2012). Explaining the short-term impact of DNA-testing: the counselees' perception matters, the actual BRCA1/2-result does not. Patient Educ Couns: 86(2), 239-251. 4* 22. Den Heijer,M., Vos, J., Seynaeve,C., Vanheusden,K., Duivenvoorden,H., Bartels,C., Menke- Pluijmers,M.B.E., Tibben,A. (2012). The impact of social and personal resources on psychological distress in women at risk for hereditary breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology,21(2):153-160. 3* 23. Den Heijer, M., Seynaeve, C., Vanheusden, K., Duivenvoorden, H.J., Vos, J., Bartels, C.C.M., Menke Pluymers, M.B.E.; Tibben, A. (2012). The contribution of self-esteem and self-concept in psychological distress in women at risk of hereditary breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology. 3* 24. Vos, J., Stoel, R., Oosterwijk, J. C., Gomez-Garcia, E. B., Menko, F., van Asperen, C. J., Jansen, A. M., Stiggelbout, A., and Tibben, A. (2012). Opening the psychological black box in genetic counseling: the psychological impact of DNA-testing is predicted by the counsellees' perception, the medical Impact by the DNA-test result. Psycho-Oncology, 21(1):29-41. 4* 25. Vos,J., Menko,F., Oosterwijk,J.C., Gomez-Garcia,E.B., van Asperen,C., Stiggelbout,A., Tibben,A.(2011). A counselee-oriented perspective on risk-communication in genetic-counseling: explaining the inaccuracy of the counselees' risk-perception. Genet Med,13:800-811. 4* 26. Vos, J., Jansen, A.M., Menko, F, Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A. (2010) A whisper-game perspective on the family communication of DNA-test results; a retrospective study on the communication process of DNA-test results between genetic-counsellor, proband and relatives. Familial Cancer, 10:87-96. 4* 27. Vos, J., Jansen, A.M. Menko, F., Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A. (2011). Family communication matters: the impact of telling relatives about unclassified-variants and uninformative results depends on the proband’s communication and the relatives’ subjective perception. Genet Med, 13: 333-341. 3* 28. Vos, J., Gomez-Garcia, E. B., Oosterwijk, J. C., Menko, F., Jansen, A. M., van Asperen, C. J., Stiggelbout, A., and Tibben, A. (2011). Perceiving cancer-risks and heredity-likelihood in genetic-counseling: the analysis of the counselees' recollections and interpretations of BRCA1/2-test results. Clin Genet, 79(3):207-218. 3* 30. Vos, J., Verdonck-de Leeuw, I. (2011). Four perspectives on bridging the worlds of cancer‐patients and everyday life: a theoretical review. Psycho-Oncology, 20(S1). 2* 31. Vos, J., Van Asperen, C.J., Wijnen, J, Stiggelbout, A, Tibben, A. (2009). Disentangling the Babylonian speech confusion in genetic counselling, an analysis of the reliability and validity of the nomenclature for non-pathogenic DNA-test results in BRCA1/2. Genet Med, 11(10):742-749. 2* 32. Vos, J., Otten, W., ,Asperen, C.J. van, Jansen, A., Menko, F., Tibben, A. (2008). The counselees' view of an Unclassified variant in BRCA1/2: recall, interpretation and impact on life. Psycho-Oncology. 17: 822-830. 4* 33. Vos, J. & Passchier, J. (2003). Diminishment of the impact of migraine in real life: an observational study in the Dutch Association of Migraine Patients. Headache: June: 822-830. 3*
- National refereed journals 41. Bruggen, V., & Vos, J. (2014). Is het inderdaad zo vanzelfsprekend? De toepassing van cognitieve gedragstherapie op'existentiele problemen'. Gedragstherapie, 46, 73-78. 1* 42. Bruggen, V. V., Vos, J., Bohlmeijer, E. T., & Glas, G. (2013). Over de plaats van existentiële thema's in cognitieve gedragstherapie. Gedragstherapie, 46, 119-134. 1* 43. Vos, J. (2012). Het fluisterspel in de communicatie tussen arts en patiënt. NBMF Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Behavioral Medicine, October. 2* 44. Vos, J., Albada, A. (2011). Erfelijkheidsonderzoek voor borstkanker: twee proefschriften uitgelicht. Psychosociale Oncologie, October. 1* 45. Van Asperen, C.J. van, Vos, J., Hogervorst, F.B.L., Gomez Garcia, E.B. Hofstra, R.M.W., Sijmons, R.H. (2010). Unclassified variants bij DNA-diagnostiek naar erfelijke kanker: een evident klinisch probleem. Kanker Breed. 2*
Articles in national newspapers and magazines (selection) 1.Vos, J. (2007). Afellay schiet heus niet in ons doel. Ondermijnt de discussie over dubbele nationaliteiten niet juist de loyaliteit van migranten aan Nederland? Trouw, April 5. 2.Vos, J. (2006). Tussen zwijgen en schreeuwen in, een visie op het Nederlandse integratiedebat. Publications for instance by: Interreligieuze Werkplaats, Zinweb, Friesch Dagblad, November. 3.Vos, J. (2006). De verlichting dicteert niet, maar ziet nuance. Hirsi Ali en haar geestverwanten misbruiken de Verlichting: Voltaire was niet zo eendimensionaal, hij bestreed de inquisitie en het atheïsme. Trouw, 25 mei. Republication on many websites and in university books. 4. Vos, J. (2005). Verlichting maakt soms blind. Trouw, January 21. 5. Vos, J. (2004). De wereld zal nooit meer zijn zoals hij was, psychologie na 11 september en 6 mei. Van post traumatische stress naar collectief trauma. De Sofa, February. 6. Vos. J. (2004). De filosoof en de migrant. Essay over fysieke en existentiële migratie. Thauma, issue 3. 7. Vos, J. (2003). De wereld zal nooit meer zijn zoals hij was, filosoferen na 11 september en 6 mei. Publicaties Serge Heederik Prijs voor de Filosofie. 8. Vos, J. (2002). Wetenschap ontmaskerd als religie. de Sofa, 11(2). 9. Vos, J. (2001). Op zoek naar menselijke waardigheid en ethiek, een kritische beschouwing van de postmoderne moraal. Publicaties Serge Heederik Prijs voor de Filosofie. 10. Vos. J. (2001). De aanslag op ons wereldbeeld. Post traumatische stress herzien in het licht van 9 De Sofa, 11(1).
- Conferences (selection): 1. Vos, J. (2018). (keynote). Celebrating the big tent of meaning-centered research and practices: personal gratitude and the state of the field. International Network for Personal Meaning. Vancouver, August. 2. Vos, J. (2018). Workshop Evidence-based meaning-centered practices: helping clients in evidence-based ways to live a meaningful life. Vancouver, August. 3. Vos, J. (2018). Meaning in life: an overview of its relevance for mental and physical health care. Queen Mary University of London / National Insitute of Health Research. London, January. 4. Vos, J. (2017). The impact of cancer: an existential perspective. British Medical Society, London. 5. Vos, J. (2017). The effectiveness of a public engagement intervention: putting the values of counselling psychology into practice with Punk4MentalHealth and PunkifYourLife. (workshop) British Psychology Society, Division of Counselling Psychology. July, Stratford upon Avon. 6. Vitali, D. & Vos, J. (2017). Meaning in chronic pain: description of an interview study of patients after Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. (oral) British Psychology Society, Division of Counselling Psychology. July, Stratford upon Avon. 7. Steffen, E, Vowell, C & Vos, J. (2017). Meaning-oriented grief therapy. (oral) British Psychology Society, Division of Counselling Psychology. July, Stratford upon Avon. 8. Vos, J. (2017). A systematic review of the evidence basis of meaning-centered interventions. (keynote). IMEC International Meaning Conference. June, Roehampton. 9. Vos, J. (2017). Meaning in cardiovascular disease: a systematic literature review, conceptual model and pilot study. (oral). IMEC International Meaning Conference. June, Roehampton. 10. Vos, J. (2017). Meaning-centered therapy for individuals with a chronic or life-threatening physical disease. (workshop). IMEC International Meaning Conference. June, Roehampton. 11. Vitali, D. & Vos, J. (2017). Meaning in chronic pain: description of an interview study of patients after Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. (oral) IMEC International Meaning Conference. June, Roehampton. 12. Perez, V. & Vos, J. (2017). Living meaningfully with fibromyalgia: design of an interpretative phenomenological study. (poster) IMEC International Meaning Conference. June, Roehampton. 13. Cantwell, S., Rae, J. & Vos, J. (2016). Conversation analyses of pluralistic therapy for depression. British Psychology Society Research Conference, June. 14. Vos, J. (2016). Effectiveness of meaning-centered therapies. (oral) International Meaning Conference, July, Toronto, Canada. 15. Vos, J. (2015). An existential perspective on resilience: An overview of the research literature. (oral) International Conference on Fostering Human Resilience. June, Las Vegas, USA. 16. Vos, J. (2015). Improving resilience in cancer patients: a systematic literature review of the therapeutic techniques and effectiveness of existential therapies. (oral) International Conference on Fostering Human Resilience. June, Las Vegas, USA. 17. Vos, J. (2015). Experiencing meaning in life as a way to cope with adversity and stress: a review of four case studies. (oral) International Conference on Fostering Human Resilience. June, Las Vegas, USA. 14. Vos, J. (2015). It works! A nuanced case for randomized controlled trials in the NHS. (Keynote) CREST NHS Conference, May, Roehampton 15. Vos, J. (2014). The conceptual components model: how to build the conceptual model of your research or thesis. (oral). British Psychology Society, Research Conference, May, London. 16. Vos, J. (2013). Meaning in life: what do I really want? (keynote). Zin in je werk – zin in je leven. June, Amsterdam. 17.Vos, J. (2013). Filosofie in de levenspraktijk: leren kiezen om voluit te leven. (keynote). Symposium. Brandstof et al. Amsterdam, February. 18. Vos, J. (2013). Schuld en boete: een levensgroot probleem. (keynote). Nacht van de Filosofie. 19. Vos, J. (2013). Schuld en boete: doe het in de praktijk! (workshop). Nacht van de Filosofie. 20. Vos, J. (2012). Staying mentally sane. Philosophy in practice. (invited workshop leader) Life! Brandstof et al. Amsterdam, December. 21. Vos, J. (2012). Existential Therapy: an introduction and a review. (invited keynote lecture) Weltkonferenz Personzentrierte Psychotherapie. Linz, October. 22.Vos, J. (2012). Workshop: skills in existential group therapy. (invited workshop) Weltkonferenz Personzentrierte Psychotherapie. Linz, October. 23.Vos, J. (2012). A philosophical perspective on meaning in psychotherapy. (invited keynote lecture) Weltkonferenz Personzentrierte Psychotherapie. Linz, October. 24.Vos, J. (2012). Existential therapy in clinical practice: four examples. (invited keynote lecture) Weltkonferenz Personzentrierte Psychotherapie. Linz, October. 25.Craig, M., Vos, J., Cooper, M. (2012). Existential therapies for distress in adults: a review and metaanalysis. (lecture). BACP (British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy). Edinburgh, May. 26.Vos, J. (2012). Heel de mens: kennismaking met de interventies Life Review, Zingevingstherapie en Schrijven van de Spirituele Autobiografie. (workshop). Conference NVPO (Dutch Association PsychoOncology), Utrecht, March. 27.Vos, J. (2012). De terugkeer van de grote levensvragen in psychotherapie: terug van weggeweest, of altijd op de achtergrond aanwezig gebleven? (invited keynote lecture) Kenniscentrum Religie en Levensbeschouwing in relatie tot Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg. Symposium levensvragen in psychotherapie: een existentiële benadering. 28.Vos, J. (2011). Meaning and existential givens in the lives of cancer patients: a philosophical perspective on psycho-oncology. (lecture). Conference Society for Existential Analysis, London, November. 29.Kleijn, G./Riepma, I., Vos, J., Verdonck-de Leeuw, I, et al. (2011). Power of the past: a randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of a life review therapy in palliative care. (poster). IPOS (International Psycho Oncology Society), Turkey, October. Abstract publication in: Psycho-Oncology, 20(S1), Abstracts for the 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 16–20 October 2011, Antalya, Turkey. 30.Vos, J., Verdonck-de Leeuw, I. (2011). (poster). Four perspectives on bridging the worlds of cancerpatients and everyday life: a theoretical review. IPOS, Turkey, October. Abstract publication in: PsychoOncology, 20(S1), Abstracts for the 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 16–20 October 2011, Antalya, Turkey. 31.Vos, J., Oosterwijk, J. C., Gomez-Garcia, E. B., Menko, F., van Asperen, C. J., Stiggelbout, A., and Tibben, A. (2011). Opening the psychological black box in genetic counseling: a counselee-oriented, integrative approach. (poster). IPOS, Turkey, October. Abstract publication in: Psycho-Oncology, 20(S1), Abstracts for the 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 16–20 October 2011, Antalya, Turkey. 32.Vos, J. (2011). (symposium). Adjusting Meaning-Centered Therapy to Dutch Cancer-Survivors and Meaning-Centered First aid Interventions at the Bedside. IPOS, Turkey, October. Abstract publication in: Psycho-Oncology, 20(S1), Abstracts for the 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 16–20 October 2011, Antalya, Turkey. 33.Vos, J., Oosterwijk, J. C., Gomez-Garcia, E. B., Menko, F., van Asperen, C. J., Jansen, A. M., Stiggelbout, A., and Tibben, A. (2012). The counselees’ self-reported wish for psychological help in genetic counseling for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer: not only psychopathology matters. (lecture) IPOS, Turkey, October. Abstract publication in: Psycho-Oncology, 20(S1), Abstracts for the 13th World Congress of PsychoOncology, 16–20 October 2011, Antalya, Turkey. 34.Vos, J., van Asperen, C. J., Oosterwijk, J. C., Gomez-Garcia, E. B., Menko, F., Stiggelbout, A., and Tibben, A. (2011). Opening the psychological black box in genetic counseling: a counselee-oriented, integrative approach. (lecture) IMPAHC (International Meeting on Psychological Aspects of Hereditary Cancer, Amsterdam, May. 35.Vos, J. (2011). Meaning-centered group psychotherapy for cancer patients. (invited keynote lecture). Conference Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 36.Vos, J. (2010). Existential psychotherapy: essence and research, a personal perspective. (lecture). Society for Existential Analysis, London, June. 37.Vos, J., Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A. (2010). Opening the Psychological Black Box in Genetic-Counselling: The Counsellees' Perception Explains the Psychological Impact of DNA-testing, Pathogenic-Mutations the Medical Impact, (poster). EMPAG (European Meeting on Psychological Aspects of Genetics). Goteborg, June. 38.Vos, J., Jansen, A.M., Menko, F, Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A. (2010). A Whisper-Game Perspective on the Family Communication of DNA-test Results: A Retrospective Study on the Communication Process of BRCA1/2-test Results Between Genetic-Counsellor, proband and Relatives (lecture). EMPAG. Goteborg, June. 39.Vos, J., Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A.(2010). Opening the Psychological Black Box in Genetic-Counselling: The Counsellees' Perception Explains the Psychological Impact of DNA-testing, Pathogenic-Mutations the Medical Impact, (lecture). IPOS, Quebec , June. Abstract publication in: PsychoOncology, 19 (S2): Supplement: Abstracts of the IPOS 12th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 25–29 May 2010, Quebec City, QC, Canada. 40.Vos, J., Jansen, A.M., Menko, F, Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A.(2010). A Whisper-Game Perspective on the Family Communication of DNA-test Results: A Retrospective Study on the Communication Process of BRCA1/2-test Results Between Genetic-Counsellor, Proband and Relatives (lecture). IPOS, Quebec, June. Abstract publication in: Psycho-Oncology, 19 (S2): Supplement: Abstracts of the IPOS 12th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 25–29 May 2010, Quebec City, QC, Canada. 41.Vos, J., Oosterwijk, J.C., Menko, F, Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A. (2009). Opening the psychological black box in genetic counseling (poster). BRCA Conference, Vancouver, October. 42.Vos, J., Van Asperen, C.J., Wijnen, J, Stiggelbout, A, Tibben, A.(2009). Disentangling the Babylonian speech confusion in genetic counselling, an analysis of the reliability and validity of the nomenclature for non-pathogenic DNA-test results in BRCA1/2. (poster). IPOS, Vienna , June. Abstract publication in: PsychoOncology, 18(S2): Supplement: Abstracts of the IPOS 11th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 21–25 June 2009, Vienna, Austria. 43.Vos, J., Oosterwijk, J.C., Menko, F, Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A.(2009). Opening the psychological black box in genetic counseling (lecture). IPOS, Vienna, June. Abstract publication in: PsychoOncology, 18(S2): Supplement: Abstracts of the IPOS 11th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 21–25 June 2009, Vienna, Austria. 44.Vos, J., Van Asperen, C.J., Wijnen, J, Stiggelbout, A, Tibben, A.(2009). Disentangling the Babylonian speech confusion in genetic counselling, an analysis of the reliability and validity of the nomenclature for non-pathogenic DNA-test results in BRCA1/2. (poster). 11th International Meeting on the Psychosocial Aspects of Genetic Testing, UK Cancer Genetics Group and Dutch Cancer Society. Toronto. 45.Vos, J., Van Asperen, C.J., Wijnen, J, Stiggelbout, A, Tibben, A.(2009). Opening the psychological black box in genetic counseling (lecture). 11th International Meeting on the Psychosocial Aspects of Genetic Testing, UK Cancer Genetics Group and Dutch Cancer Society. Toronto, QC, Canada. 46.Vos, J., Oosterwijk, J.C., Menko, F, Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A.(2008). Recall and interpretation in genetic counselling, after intake and non-informative DNA-test results in BRCA1/2: discrepancies, explanations and consequences (poster). IPOS. Madrid, June. Abstract publication in: Psycho-Oncology, 17 (S2): Supplement: Abstracts of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) 10th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 9-13 June 2008, Madrid, Spain. 47.Vos, J., Oosterwijk, J.C., Menko, F, Van Asperen, C.J., Stiggelbout, A.M., Tibben, A.(2008). Recall and interpretation in genetic counselling, after intake and non-informative DNA-test results in BRCA1/2: discrepancies, explanations and consequences (lecture). European Meeting on Psychosocial Aspects of Genetics. Barcelona, June. Abstract publication in: Psycho-Oncology, 17 (S2): Supplement: of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) 10th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, 9-13 June 2008, Madrid. 48.Vos, J., Otten, W., Oosterwijk, J.C., Menko, F, Van Asperen, C.J., Tibben, A. (2006). The counsellees' view of an unclassified variant in BRCA1/2: understanding, interpretation and Impact on life (lecture). 10th International Meeting on the Psychosocial Aspects of Genetic Testing, UK Cancer Genetics Group and Dutch Cancer Society. Manchester, May.
Independent research reports 1. Vos, J., Hoffer, M. (2010). Evaluation of the seminar between Palestinians and Israelis in 2010. Publications COME. 2. Vos, J., Hoffer, M., Sluis, D. (2009). Beleidsplan en missie stichting COME. Publications COME. 3. De Boer, E., Vos, J., Van de Perk, N. (2009). Onderzoeksrapport Student en Zingeving. Publicaties Leidse Studenten Ekklesia. 4. Stuker M., Verreghen J., Stams E. & Vos, J. (2010). Onderzoeksrapport over de effecten van contextuele therapie bij de Rading. De Rading / University of Amsterdam. 5. Berghuijs, M., Vos, J. et al. (2007). Leidse Studenten Ekklesia 2015. Beleidsplan en missie. Publicaties Leidse Studenten Ekklesia. 6. Vos, J. (chair/ed.). (2007). Onderzoeksrapport enquête in het kader van het beleidsplan van de Leidse Studenten Ekklesia. Publicaties Leidse Studenten Ekklesia. 7. Vos, J. (chair/ed.). (2007). Leidse Studenten Ekklesia: heden en toekomst. Beleidsplan en missie volgens het STUK. Publicaties Leidse Studenten Ekklesia. 8. Vos, J. (chair/ed.) (1998). Wat is de plaats van de kerk in het leven van jongeren? Rapport over wat jongeren vinden van spiritualiteit, zingeving en kerk. Publicaties Protestante Kerken Papendrecht.