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Evi Chryssafidou




Dr. Evi Chryssafidou

BA (Hons), MSc, PhD


E-mail: E.Chryssafidou@metanoia.ac.uk

Tel: 020 85792505



I am a Researcher at the Faculty of Research Strategy and Innovation working on various research projects, attached to the Metanoia Counselling and Psychotherapy Service (MCPS). Our research at MCPS focuses primarily on sessional evaluation of routine outcomes of counselling and psychotherapy from a range of theoretical orientations. The research aims to inform evidence-based practice in the counselling and psychotherapy voluntary sector, where the service is often provided by trainee therapists. The routine outcome evaluation relies on standardised measures for depression, anxiety, general distress and working alliance.

I am also involved in the evaluation of avatar-based counselling with ProReal in secondary schools using a quantitative research approach and follow up case studies. The initial evaluation found that avatar based counselling improves students’ psychological wellbeing and is particularly useful for male clients and, in general, clients who find verbal expression of affect difficult. These findings are being further explored through two theory based case studies, aiming to provide a theoretical interpretation of the use and function of avatar-based counselling.

I have an interdisciplinary research background (BA in Media, MSc in Human Computer Interaction, University of Sussex, PhD in psychology of writing at the University of Birmingham) and a long experience in conducting research projects and raising research funds. My research has always focused on evaluating the impact of interventions using quantifiable outcomes and systematic qualitative analysis in a range of areas, such as counselling, social interaction skills, and academic writing. I have previously taken up research posts at the Birmingham University Medical School, at the UCL London Institute of Education and at Roehampton University.

I am also currently training in Integrative Psychotherapy at Metanoia Institute.  


Institute Roles  

  • Researcher
  • Research Seminars
  • Metanoia Institute Research Committee


Recent Publications

  • Vos, J., Chryssafidou, E., van Rijn, B., & Stiles, W. B. Outcomes of beginning trainee therapists in an outpatient community clinic. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12466 
  • Cooper, M., van Rijn, B., & Chryssafidou, E. (2018). Avatar-based counselling for psychological distress in secondary school pupils: pilot evaluation. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 1-14. doi:10.1080/03069885.2018.1506567
  • Cooper,. M., Chryssafidou, E., van Rijn, B. (2015) ProReal Avatar-Based Counselling with Young People. Evaluation Report. University of Roehampton 
  • van Rijn, B. Falconer, C., Chryssafidou, E. Cooper, M., Stiles, W. (2017) Avatar Based Counselling Within A School Setting. Case Study ‘Richard’ Research Report. Metanoia Institute
  • van Rijn, B., Cooper, M., & Chryssafidou, E. (2018). Avatar‐based counselling for young people within school counselling. Qualitative analysis of client experience. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 18(1), 59-70 
  • Porayska-Pomsta K., Chryssafidou E. (2018) Adolescents’ Self-regulation During Job Interviews Through an AI Coaching Environment. In: Penstein Rosé C. et al. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10948. Springer, Cham