Dr Biljana van Rijn
Dr Biljana van Rijn, MSc, DPsych, TSTA(P) Faculty Head of Research and Doctoral Programmes
Biljana van Rijn is a UKCP registered Transactional Analysis psychotherapist and an HCPC registered Counselling Psychologist. She also has a registration as a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst in the field of psychotherapy, and holds registrations with the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) and Transactional Analysis (EATA)
Biljana currently leads the research strategy as the Chair of the Research Committee, at Metanoia Institute and at EATA.
Biljana has worked at Metanoia Institute since mid-1990’s, initially as a tutor and then in combination with other lecturing, academic and clinical roles. She has developed the research clinic (MCPS), which remains one of the largest and established research clinics in the UK, and led the development of the research faculty, conducting a number of projects with staff, students and external partners. Within all her work Biljana has combined a twin passion for relational psychotherapy with practice-based research. As a researcher she continues to be engaged in research projects nationally and internationally, publishes and presents at conferences. In 2019 she received an award for contributions to research in Transactional Analysis by the International Transactional Analysis Association.
As a psychotherapist, she remains active in her clinical and supervision practice and continues to publish.
2019 ITAA Research Award for contributions to research in Transactional Analysis, including routine outcomes evaluation of TA psychotherapy within a community research clinic, 2019, International Transactional Analysis Association
van Rijn, B., Agar, J., Sills, C., & Stiles, W. B. (2021). Assimilating problematic life script themes in clinical supervision: The case of Sarah [https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12506]. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12506
Vos, J., Chryssafidou, E., van Rijn, B., & Stiles, W. B. (2021). Outcomes of beginning trainee therapists in an outpatient community clinic [https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12466]. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12466
Vos, J., & van Rijn, B. (2021). A Systematic Review of Psychometric Transactional Analysis Instruments. Transactional Analysis Journal, 1-33. https://doi.org/10.1080/03621537.2021.1904360
Vos, J., & van Rijn, B. (2021). The Transactional Analysis Review Survey: An Investigation Into Self-Reported Practices and Philosophies of Psychotherapists. Transactional Analysis Journal, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/03621537.2021.1904355
Vos, J., & van Rijn, B. (2021). The Evidence-Based Conceptual Model of Transactional Analysis: A Focused Review of the Research Literature. Transactional Analysis Journal, 1-42. https://doi.org/10.1080/03621537.2021.1904364
Lukac-Greenwood,J, van Rijn,B.( 2021) Female therapists’ experience of working with male clients who are sexually attracted to them - an exploratory study using a Free Association Narrative Interview Method. Couns.Psychother Res.2021;00:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12392
Cooper, M., et al. (2021). "Activity preferences in psychotherapy: what do patients want and how does this relate to outcomes and alliance?" Counselling Psychology Quarterly: 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/09515070.2021.1877620
van Rijn, B., Stiles, W. B., & Chryssafidou, E. (2021). Searching for safety: Building meaning bridges using digital imagery in school counselling with a female adolescent, ‘Sally’. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 21(1), 198-217. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12309
van Rijn, B. and W. F. Cornell (2019). Editorial. Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy: An Integrative Humanistic approach in the 21st century International Journal of Psychotherapy. A special issue on Transactional Analysis psychotherapy 23(3): 5-7.ISSN (online)1469-8498 DOI: 10.36075/IJP.2019.23.3.1/Young
van Rijn, B., Chryssafidou, E., Falconer, C. J., & Stiles, W. B. (2019). Digital images as meaning bridges: Case study of assimilation using avatar software in counselling with a 14-year-old boy. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12230
Books and Book Chapters:
Van Rijn, B. and Lukac-Greenwood, Eds. (2020). Working with sexual attraction in psychotherapy practice and supervision. A humanistic-relational approach. Abingdon ,Oxon; New York, NY ;Routledge.
Van Rijn, B. (2020). Editor's summary and reflection on sexual attraction and orientation in supervision. Working with sexual attraction in psychotherapy practice and supervision. A humanistic -relational approach. B. Van Rijn and J. Lukac-Greenwood. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, Routledge: 152-156.
Van Rijn, B. (2020). Firefighting: managing sexual ruptures and transgressions within counselling and psychotherapy services. Working with sexual attraction in psychotherapy practice and supervision. A humanistic-relational approach.B. van Rijn and J. Lukac-Greenwood. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge: 177-194.
Van Rijn, B. (2020). Editor's Summary and reflection on ethical practice and prevention of transgressions. Working with sexual attraction in psychotherapy practice and supervsion. A humanistic-relational approach. B. Van Rijn and J. Lukac-Greenwood. Abingdon,Oxon; New York, NY:Routledge: 216-222.
van Rijn, B. and J. Lukac-Greenwood (2020). Editor's Introduction. Working with sexual attraction in psychotherapy practice and supervision. A humanistic-relational Approach B. Van Rijn and J. Lukac-Greenwood. Abingdon,Oxon; New York, NY:Routledge: 1-16.
van Rijn, B. (2020). Developments within reflective practice. Reflective practice and personal development in counselling and psychotherapy (2nd Ed). S. Bager-Charlson (Ed). London, Sage Publications Ltd 1 Oliver'sYard,55 City Rd, London EC1Y 1SP: 109-120. ISBN 978-15264-7750-7
van Rijn, B. (2020). Evaluating our practice. Reflective practice and personal development in counselling and psychotherapy (2nd Ed). S. Bager-Charlson (Ed), Sage Publications Ltd 1 Oliver'sYard,55 City Rd, London EC1Y 1SP,: 121-131. ISBN 978-15264-7750-7
2021 EATA, European Research and Theory Development Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, July 2021
Panel:The evidence basis of Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy: results from an international survey, systematic literature reviews and meta-analyse
Dr Joel Vos, Dr Biljana van Rijn
1.Vos, J., & van Rijn, B. The Transactional Analysis Review Survey: An Investigation Into Self-Reported Practices and Philosophies of Psychotherapists.
2.Vos, J., & van Rijn, B. A Systematic Review of Psychometric Transactional Analysis Instruments.
3.Vos, J., & van Rijn, B.The Evidence-Based Conceptual Model of Transactional Analysis: A Focused Review of the Research Literature.
2021 SPR, International Conference, Heidelberg, Germany,June 2021
Paper: Assimilating Problematic Life Script Themes in Supervision. Van Rijn,B,Agar,J.,Sills,C., Stiles,W.B
Panel Title: The Development of Responsive Therapists Through Training and Supervision: From Helping Skills to Assimilation of Life Script Themes
2019 SPR UK and European Conference, Krakow
Contrasting use of avatar-base software by two adolescents in school counselling:Theory-building cases studies on the assimilation model
Van Rijn,Chryssafidou,Stiles
Panel paper
2019 Chryssafidou, E., van Rijn, B., Falconer, C., & Stiles, W. B. (2019, July). Can digital imagery contribute to therapeutic communication and assimilation in school counseling? The case of Sophie. In W. B. Stiles (Moderator), Techniques for facilitating assimilation in treatment of children and adolescents. Panel presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2019 2nd International Conference on Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy
Unconscious processes in pluralistic practice: Perspectives on contracting, pluralism, and directionality, panel discussion