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Dr Salima Rashid

Dr Salima Rashid BSc (Hons), PGCert, DPsych 

Salima is a Counselling Psychologist registered with both the BPS and HCPC. She trained at City University of London.  

Alongside teaching, Salima works clinically and has extensive experience of working within the NHS, charity organisations and private sector. She has a background in staff mental health and wellbeing. She has worked for services providing therapy, supervision, developing and delivering psychologically informed training workshops and courses.

Salima is passionate about helping people with their wellbeing struggles, such as not feeling good enough, managing anxiety and dealing with stress. She utilises CBT and other third wave approaches that can provide practical tools and skills to help her clients achieve their goals and manage their wellbeing.

Salima’s current clinical and research interests:  use of online counselling in psychotherapy, qualitative approaches to understand client and therapist experience.