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Dr Fenia Christodoulidi

Dr Fenia Christodoulidi, MA, MSc, PhD, FHEA 

Dr Fevronia (Fenia) Christodoulidi is a BACP accredited practitioner who qualified in 2002 and has been working as a therapist, clinical and research supervisor and academic at different settings. She completed a PhD in Counselling as a funded scholar of the University of Manchester in 2010 and her heuristic doctoral study focused on capturing the experience of therapists as migrants, including the implications for cross-cultural therapy & professional mobility. 

Fenia spent 11 years training counsellors as a Senior Lecturer at the University of East London on a BACP accredited programme prior to joining the Doctoral Faculty at Metanoia and  she has acted as internal and external examiner for doctoral students on several institutions. She has longstanding experience in supervising projects that draw from highly reflexive methodologies such as Heuristic Inquiry, Autoethnography and Duoethnography, Her research on personalised learning won the CPCAB Research Excellence award in 2024 and she is involved in supporting fellow tutors and academics towards pedagogic excellence and inclusive practice. 

Fenia runs a small online private practice offering clinical supervision and pluralistic therapy, from a strong humanistic and existential perspective. Some of her special interests include offering counselling to educators, those in inter-cultural and/or inter-racial relationships, parents who raise children of dual heritage and those on an existential or spiritual quest, She is also the Psychoeducation Manager for an innovative start up company focusing on designing and delivering employee wellbeing programmes and personal development activities that destigmatise mental health for a variety of audiences. She can be reached via her website on: www.drfenia.com