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Jazz Rehal





Jazz Rehal


Email: jazz.rehal@metanoia.ac.uk

Tel: 020 8579 2505


Jazz is a UKCP registered psychotherapist with over 4 years’ experience teaching at three different institutions including Metanoia. She trained in Transactional Analysis and has been working with individuals and couples for 10 years.  

Jazz believes in the power of stories as a way of creating interpersonal connection and intrapsychic resonance. She describes her practise as relational, psychodynamic, and holistic where she draws on different theories and approaches according to the client that presents. She's interested in ways we can support the whole person, and her philosophy is that human beings are born into groups, live in groups (Berne’s Imago, 1966) and the need to belong is a powerful, fundamental, and pervasive motivation of primitive human cultures (Baumeister and Leary, 1995). She's aligned to this and Mitchell’s (1988) view that we live in a ‘relational matrix’ and the person is comprehensible only within this tapestry of relationships, past and present.  

She has a particular interest in working with anxiety, addiction, difference, unconscious processes, power, privilege, and exploring the impact this has on a person’s intrapsychic and interpersonal dialogue and relationships. Jazz is curious about the ways in which structural, systemic, and cultural oppression can barrack people from fulfilling the potential of their lives and working with these processes in groups, and how what occurs 'in' teaching groups can reflect the social and political times 'out' there.  

She is delighted to be re-joining Metanoia and teaching on the MSc Integrative course and is very much looking forward to the year ahead.  

MSc, CTA, PTSTA Psychotherapist, UKCP registered.