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Dr Jane Hunt



B.A. (Hons), M.A. App. Soc. Studies, Dip. S.W., M.A. (Ed.), PG Dip. CAT, M.A. Psychology of Religion, FHEA, D.Couns.

Professional Affiliations: BACP, FHEA 

E-mail: jane.hunt@metanoia.ac.uk

Head of Faculty 1 - Psychotherapy and Counselling

Institute Roles:

  • Faculty Head, Counselling and Psychotherapy (Faculty One)  
  • Executive Committee Member  
  • Academic Board Committee, member 
  • Chair of Joint Student Staff Committee 
  • Metanoia Research Committee, member 
  • BACP Executive Committee Member (Spirituality) 


Jane is an experienced integrative counsellor, counsellor and psychotherapy trainer, researcher and academic. She has worked in a variety of practice settings including further and higher education, the private and voluntary sectors, and the NHS. Prior to moving to Metanoia, Jane was Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Roehampton and worked previously as Director of Counselling programmes at Keele University, and Lecturer in Counselling at Salford University. Jane is a qualitative researcher with interests in the psychology of religion and spirituality, and in trans and nonbinary genders and psychotherapy. She has a particular interest in relational psychotherapies and in some of her academic writing has developed a specific focus on the relationship between psychotherapeutic theory and theological constructs.

Recent publications

Symons, C. , Full. W. & Hunt, J. (2022) Why research matters. Thresholds. July 2022

Hunt, J. (2022) Religion and Spirituality: ignoring religion is a form of cultural imperialism. Therapy Today,36, September 2022. 

Hunt, J. (2020) Spiritual, but not religious? Researching religion, spirituality and mental health. Thresholds, January 2020

Hunt, J. (2019) Reflections on the Spirituality and  Psychiatry special interest group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists annual conference, Thresholds,  July 2019.

Hunt, J.  (2018) Psychological perspectives on the Garden of Eden and the Fall in light of the work of Melanie Klein and Eric Fromm. International Journal of Pastoral Psychology, 67 (1) pp. 33-41

Hunt, J. (2018) An exploration of how trainee counsellors who are practising believers of a world religion or faith tradition experience undertaking counsellor training. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling,  Published online: 19 Feb 2018.

Hunt, J. (2014) An initial study of transgender people's experiences of seeking and               receiving counselling or psychotherapy in the UK. Counselling and Psychotherapy               Research Journal. Vol. 14 (4) pp. 288-296

Hunt, J. (2013) Transgender Voices: Listening to transgender people's experiences of           counselling. Therapy Today, Vol. 24 (8)

Funded research:

2019    Southlands Methodist Trust. Project title: Religion and Spirituality in the therapeutic space: exploring how trainee and newly qualified counsellors and psychotherapists, who identify as religious or spiritual, experience undertaking therapeutic training in the UK.

2016    SRG (University of Roehampton).  Project title:An exploration of trans and non-binary therapist’s experiences of accessing and undertaking counselling and psychotherapeutic training.

2011    Seed-corn Funding Grant (BACP). Project title: An exploration of transgender people’s experiences of seeking and receiving counselling or psychotherapy within the United Kingdom


Most recent conference papers:

2022:     Making Space: Religion and spirituality in therapeutic training (paper Presented at the Metanoia Institute Person-Centred Research Conference 6thJune 2022)

2018:     Breaking the Silence: An exploration of trans and non-binary therapists’ experiences of accessing and undertaking counselling and psychotherapy training. (Paper presented at the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference May 2018).

2018      Of/As/And? How to relate psychology and religion in the therapeutic space. Keynote address at the 12th Keele Counselling (Research and Practice) Conference: Spirituality, faith and religion in the therapeutic space (April 2018).

2017:      An exploration of how trainee counsellors who are practising believers of a world religion experience undertaking counsellor training (Paper presented at the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference May 2017).

2017:     Religion in the Psychotherapy Space: the New Taboo. (Paper presented at UKAPI Conference 4th February).

2016:      Listening to Trans Clients’ Perspectives on Therapy: What do Counsellors and Psychotherapists Need to Know? (Paper co presented with Dr. Igi Moon at the Crest Seminar, University of Roehampton May 2016).

2014:     Transgender clients’ experiences of counselling:  what do counsellors need to know? (Paper presented at Daring to make an impact: Dynamic qualitative research. Keele University. Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd March).

2013       An exploration of transgender people's experiences of seeking and receiving counselling or psychotherapy within the UK (Paper presented twice at the 19th Annual BACP Research Conference, Birmingham)

2013       Listening to clients’ voices: trans people’s experiences of seeking and receiving   counselling (Paper presented at the 7th Annual Keele Counselling Psychology Conference)