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Dr. Diane Hodgson




Dr Di Hodgson

BA, MSc, DPsych,

Director of Studies MSc Gestalt Psychotherapy

Email: diane.hodgson@metanoia.ac.uk

Tel: 020 8579 2505



Dr. Di Hodgson BA, MSc. Gestalt Psychotherapy, DPsych, Cert. Supervision  UKCP Registered Psychotherapist. Di is a psychotherapist and supervisor with a private practice in Poole, Dorset. She has worked in the field of counselling and psychotherapy for over 30 years. Di works with a diverse client group, many of whom have early developmental traumas.

Di is a member of the editorial team of the British Gestalt Journal.

She has chaired the GPTI executive and the UKCP diversity, equalities and social responsibility committee.

Until recently, Di concurrently worked as an organisational development consultant, and executive coach, where she worked with leaders primarily in the education, regulatory and legal sectors.  Her doctoral studies focussed on relational breakdown in psychotherapy and the case for mediation. She is particularly interested in the influence of Gestalt in the wider field, diversity and ethics.

Di is visiting trainer in Poland and Bulgaria, and an external examiner in Poland.



Institute Roles :

  • Quality and standards Committee, Member
  • Academic Board, Member



Di is an international trainer and regular facilitator of workshops at national and international conferences, most recently including:

  • October 2020. Co - facilitator of the UKAGP conference “Speaking Out”. 
  • June 2020. Facilitator of the UKAGP members CPD event on “Dialogue and Connection”. 

  • September 2019. EAGT European Conference An Exploration of the Fertile Void and Creative Indifference. Facilitator of pre- conference workshop “Meeting on the Bridge of Difference”, and main conference workshop “ Using your voice with awareness:influences from the field”.

  • 2018. AAGT conference Toronto “Radical Respect”. Facilitator of workshop on “Using your voice with awareness: influences from the field.

  • 2016. AAGT conference Sicily "The aesthetic of Otherness" Facilitator of pre-conference workshop entitled "An exploration of otherness" and main conference workshop entitled "Explorations of the impact of gender as "other".

  • UKAGP 2015 conference. Facilitator of workshop on "The voices of women in psychotherapy".


  • AAGT 2014 conference California . Co- facilitator of workshop on "Creative group supervision- rejuvenating, resourcing, and reigniting our relational practice".


  • Book review of "Catch the Message" in British Gestalt journal 2016 volume 25 No.1.
  • Sexual Orientation in the Supervisory Relationship: exploring fears and fantasies when different sexual orientations are present in the client/therapist and/ or supervisory dyad. Pages 134 to 152 in Working with Sexual Attraction in Psychotherapy Practice and Supervision. A Humanistic - Relational Approach. Ed van Rijn, B and Lukac-Greenwood, J. Routledge 2021.
  • An opinion piece on “Radical Respect” published in the British Gestalt Journal, Vol 27.2 2019.
  • Women desiring women: reflections on the field" ( co- authored with Skye, E) pages 193 to 205 in "Critical & Experiential: Dimensions in Gender and Sexual Diversity. Ed Previn Karian, Resonance publications. 2016, Hampshire UK
  • “Gender as other” in “The Aesthetic of Otherness: meeting at the boundary in a desensitised world”. Gestalt Therapy Book Series. 2018.
  • Co author of  "Living on the Edge of Acceptance" and author of  "Reparative Therapy" in The psychotherapist, the publication of UKCP.