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Dr Andrea Uphoff

Dr Andrea Uphoff


Andrea Uphoff, PhD, is a client-centred psychotherapist whose clinical training began in the early ‘90s after stumbling across a brochure about Carl Rogers. The text, serendipitously lying on a friend’s kitchen table, seemed to speak directly to me. I was prompted to take voluntary redundancy from my career with an international airline and set off on a new journey full of discovery by applying for a course in person-centred counselling and psychotherapy.  I am UKCP registered and also licensed to practise in Germany and so divide my work – including training and supervision – across the two countries. Over the years I have variously worked in tertiary psychiatric care and as a supervisor of psychiatric and hospice teams. My experience covers a number of international and multicultural settings. I trained and now supervise a group of Muslim counsellors originating from a number of countries and have also worked with traumatised refugees in Jordan. My teaching experience covers MA, BA and Diploma-levels and my research has focussed on touch in psychotherapy. I have authored various chapters and articles contributing to person-centred literature and am a former convenor of BAPCA (British Association for the Person-Centred Approach) and previous board member of NEAPCEPC (Network of European Associations for Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling. Currently I lecture at the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt and have a practice with two colleagues in Bodenheim, a village on the Rhine. I have been a practitioner of Sahaj Marg meditation for the last twenty years.