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BSc (Hons) Person-Centred Pluralistic Counselling (Advanced Practitioner) Staff

Associate Director of Education (UGT):

Biljana Van Rijn: biljana.vanrijn@metanoia.ac.uk


Head of Programme:

Graham Westwell: graham.westwell@metanoia.ac.uk


Primary Tutors:

Year 1: Andy Whitehouse (Module Lead): andy.whitehouse@metanoia.ac.uk

Louise Tunbridge (Senior Academic Lecturer): louise.tunbridge@metanoia.ac.uk

Year 2: Lucy Watt (Module Lead): lucy.watt@metanoia.ac.uk

Luisa Hoque (Academic Lecturer): luisa.hoque@metanoia.ac.uk

Year 3: Sophia Carbonero (Module Lead): sophia.carbonero@metanoia.ac.uk

Luisa Hoque (Academic Lecturer): luisa.hoque@metanoia.ac.uk


Teaching Assistants:

Year 2: Gita Agard: gita.agard@metanoia.ac.uk

Year 3: Tareq Al-Kubaisi: 05714@metanoia.ac.uk


Academic Coordinator:

Ben Richards-Hooper: ben.richards-hooper@metanoia.ac.uk