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UKCP Professional Membership

UKCP Professional Membership


UKCP registration requires all psychotherapy graduates, tutors, and supervisors of psychotherapy students and graduates to undertake CPD in line with the HIPC’s requirement for CPD. The following policy allows for a wide variety of activities, so that CPD can remain a stimulating and inspiring process. It also largely allows individuals to choose and design their own CPD, according to their particular interests and needs. The fundamental principle, underpinning all CPD activity is the protection of the public, through the maintenance and improvement of professional standards.

All UKCP registrants, who choose to have their CPD scrutinised by Metanoia Institute, are required to maintain their membership of Metanoia Institute.

Registrants should also ensure that they are familiar with relevant UKCP policies including those regarding supervision, ethics, CPD and reaccreditation (see https://www.psychotherapy.org.uk/ukcp-members/standards-guidance-and-policies/).


Metanoia registrants should follow a process of CPD, which responds to their learning and developmental needs, as well as to their areas of interest and curiosity. CPD involves the active reflection on experience.

Registrants will report to Metanoia every year on their CPD when they renew their Metanoia Membership and every five (5) years each person will be involved in a peer review (see forms and instructions below).

If you take a sabbatical and therefore intend to stop seeing clients or supervisees, for a period of more than three (3) months, you need to notify Metanoia Institute. At the end of the sabbatical, you will again, need to inform Metanoia.

The CPD requirement for Metanoia Institute has two (2) components:

1. Mandatory requirements

* You must maintain a minimum of 4 client contact hours per week (for the first five years after graduation and a minimum of 2 clients thereafter).

* You must receive regular supervisory consultation for the first five years of practice. Subsequently supervision may be adapted to suit individual needs, such as peer supervision.

* At least 7 hours of your CPD activity per annum must be modality specific. (If your CPD activity over the year has not included this, please, as part of your CPD return, provide a reasoned argument for your choice.)

* Every registrant is responsible for attending to his/her physical and psychological health.

2. A self-designed programme of study and engagement in complementary professional activities (at least 20 hours per year) and 250 hours over a five-year period:

* You will design a programme to stimulate, stretch and support you, as well as to keep abreast of relevant developments in the field. Activities may include a wide variety, for example, research, reading, writing, attendance and presentations at conferences and workshops, serving professional organisations on boards/committees, peer group discussion meetings, participating in an online colloquium, further training in the original or another discipline or other activities that support your practice as a professional. Your programme should also show how your practice and CPD reflects the Diversity and Equality Policy of both Metanoia Institute and of the UKCP. This will include such things as demonstrating an understanding of power, prejudice and the impact of oppression, and the needs of the diverse group of clients with whom they work.

*This UKCP Professional Membership Policy only applies to graduates of the MSc and DCPsych programmes that lead to UKCP Registration.


UKCP requires that organisational registrants have some method of monitoring and confirming, that those registrants who have indicated that their CPD is scrutinised by them, are indeed following a relevant CPD process. At Metanoia, this will be carried out in the following manner.


Every year accredited registrants will complete the CPD Annual Summary Form (download the Annual CPD Form from the "Related Documents" section at the bottom of this page), describing their year’s professional development activities. This should be submitted to Metanoia. If you have completed an annual summary for another organisation (e.g. BPS, BACP, BCP), you may attach this with the Annual CPD Form. Please keep a copy of this form for your records. Submitted CPD report forms will be reviewed by the Director of Studies covering your modality and at their monthly meeting in December a selection of these, including any that have been accessed as failing to meet the above requirements, will be internally moderated by the Director of Studies team, which is made up of the Director of Studies from all of the psychotherapy programmes at Metanoia.

If you have a boundary issue or conflict of interest with the Director of Studies, please inform the Executive Officer of this and he will arrange for your return to be assessed by another Director of Studies.

The Director of Studies who is responsible for reviewing your CPD return, will contact you if they are concerned that you are not adequately meeting the requirements and will discuss with you, ways in which you could meet the requirement retrospectively. A short time frame will be given for this and you will be required to submit evidence to them, of having met this requirement. Any extra CPD hours gathered in this way will be counted against the original CPD return as opposed to the one that will be submitted for the following year.

If you do not agree with the way that your form has been assessed, and wish to appeal this decision, please see below for details of how to do this. The process of review and appeal is the same for the five-year reaccreditation process outlined below.


A Peer review meeting: this should have taken place prior to submission of paperwork for re- accreditation, and a summary included, signed by a named registrant of the peer review meeting. The suggested makeup of this peer review group, is that it contains one (1) registrant of a regular peer group and at least one(1) registrant, who is not familiar with the registrant’s work. The peer review meeting may take place face to face or via telephone conference or skype conference.

Clinical Practice: registrants will be asked to provide an overview of their clinical hours and a profile of their practice over the last 5 years - e.g. gender, age, length of time with each client. This will have been discussed in the peer review meeting and recorded in their report.

Supervision: the registrant must provide documentation, to verify their supervision provision over the previous five (5) years. All registrants are required to be in regular supervisory consultation, with a recognised supervisor consistently, for the first five (5) years of practice; subsequently this may follow a peer or group supervision monitoring. The registrant should provide a statement from their current supervisor/peer supervisor, verifying the amount of contracted supervision.

CPD: registrants must provide evidence of their CPD over the previous five (5) years in keeping with UKCP’s and HIPC’s CPD requirements. The minimum requirement is 250 hours over a five (5) year period, normally with a minimum of twenty (20) hours, in any one (1) year. This will be discussed in the peer review meeting, with an understanding of how the work undertaken, has contributed to their development as a practitioner. According to the HIPC CPD requirements, this should involve updating in one’s core model and some CPD across models.

Professional Indemnity Insurance: registrants must provide evidence of current indemnity insurance.

Professional Will arrangements: we recognise it as our professional responsibility, to ensure that arrangements are in place, for sudden long term or permanent absence from work, so that client needs can be provided for. Registrants will need to confirm that they have made suitable arrangements. 


1. The registrant will meet with a group of three (3) other peers and colleagues (one (1) of whom may be from outside the registrant’s orientation). It is suggested that the group contains your supervisor or one (1) registrant of a regular peer supervision group, if peer supervision is undertaken and at least one (1) registrant, who is unfamiliar with your work.

2. Peers may also include BPS Chartered Psychologists, BACP Registered Practitioners, or BPC Registered Registrants and do not need to be undertaking the re-accreditation process. With this group, the registrant will report on the CPD that he/she has been following, explaining how it has been CPD and what he/she has gained from it. He/she will also discuss, his/her current learning needs and make a plan for future CPD.

3. The registrant will share with, and demonstrate to, their colleagues how they are using all of the activities, they want to be considered, as part of their CPD, to maintain standards of practice.

4. The group registrants, will work with the registrant in a lively spirit of cooperation, open inquiry, mutual respect and informed humility. The task for the group, is to critically appreciate and evaluate their colleague’s presentation and to reach a consensus, as to any recommendations they may make, to Metanoia.

5. The group decides whether or not to endorse the programme as relevant CPD. Alternatively, the group may endorse it, subject to a recommendation for a particular course of action, which the registrant will undertake, and report upon.

6. The registrant submits the Reaccreditation Form (download it from the "Related Documents" section at the bottom of this page) (signed by registrants of the peer group, that confirms his/her ongoing effective attention to CPD) to Metanoia with documentation giving evidence of:

* Supervision hours*

* Client Hours*

* CPD records*

* Certificate of Professional Indemnity Insurance

* Professional Will arrangements

These details should have been provided annually. It is sufficient to attach copies of Forms, as were submitted, during the prior five (5) years. In the event of the peer group making recommendations, that the registrant agrees with, these should be described in the Reaccreditation Form (download it from the "Related Documents" section at the bottom of this page) and the registrant should submit, a statement describing how and when he/she will address these.

7. In the rare case of a group being unwilling to sign the form, before changes have been made and the registrant being unwilling to comply, the registrant may appeal to the Clinical Ethics Committee (by writing to the Executive Officer who will establish another group, to review the situation with the registrant. A fee will be payable in this instance.


If you feel that your CPD form has been unfairly assessed or that any extra requirements that have been placed on you are excessive, you can contact the Executive Officer who will arrange for three members of the Clinical Ethics Committee to re-review your return. These members may take advice from the membership secretary at the UKCP to help them to arrive at a decision. Their decision will be final. 



Members will be contacted August each year and asked to submit their returns by the 30th September. Failure to respond within this time frame will put their UKCP membership at risk. If you are having difficulty responding to this deadline please contact the Executive Officer before the deadline and explain why you would like us to consider allowing you more time to complete.

Please note that, at the point of the annual call for returns, if you have registered with the UKCP for less than six (6) month, you can fill in a return in the following year. If you have been registered for more than six (6) months, please submit a form stating the period of time during which CPD was undertaken (i.e. including any additional months) which will then be calculated on a pro-rata basis.

For those practitioners accredited by BACP and/or BPS, both these organisations monitor the CPD of their individual registrants. However, if you are also UKCP registered, you may choose to have your CPD monitored Metanoia or by the Humanistic and Integrative College of UKCP.

If you are registered with another organisation e.g. BPC or a national equivalent of BACP or UKCP, in another country, please provide copies of CPD that has been accepted by this organisation, with a copy of your current registration certificate.


UKCP has CPD requirements for re-registration, following periods out of registration and return to practice (RTP), which we are required to incorporate into our policy.

There are two (2) primary categories of RTP which require different routes of re-entry:

* Category A – Elective Lapse of Registration: a registrant who has chosen to take a break from practice;

* Category B – Enforced Suspension or Removal: a registrant who has been required by one or more of their professional bodies to take a break from practice; that is, has been suspended or removed from the register;

Elective Lapse of Registration

A Return to Registration form, must be submitted to Metanoia, by the former registrant.

The following exceptions to additional (i.e. beyond those ordinarily required for renewal or re- accreditation of registration), CPD requirements may be granted by the Registration Board as follows:

* An exemption (12 months) for parents after adoption, birth or long-term fostering of a child;

* An exemption (6 months) for bereavement of a partner, child or other family registrant living in the household;

* An exemption for a temporary situation (of up to 12 months) for being a full time carer of a partner, child or other family registrant due to illness or injury;

* An exemption for a temporary situation (of up to 12 months) for the practitioner needing to take time off due to illness or injury.

A number of additional conditions apply, if any of the above exemptions arises, immediately, or soon after initial registration.

Please see the separate HIPC Continuing Professional Development Policy, for further details.

Enforced Suspension or Removal

The former registrant must inform the UKCP Clerk to the Registration Board, of their intention to submit a Return to Registration application in writing. This must include details of the date and nature of the decision that resulted in suspension or removal; full disclosure of all requirements relating to future return to the register, as detailed in the decision; confirmation of the registrant organisation (MO), through which return to registration is to be sought.

Please see the separate UKCP Continuing Professional Development Policy, for further details. 


We hope that you have found the guidance given here useful, but if you have any feedback to give us on the process or want to tell us about your experience of submitting your returns, please don’t hesitate to be contact us at info@metanoia.ac.uk.