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Board of Trustees

Metanoia Institute’s governance arrangements have been developed to ensure that compliance and best practice is maintained across the organisation. It is recognised that good governance is essential to the maintenance of academic standards, the quality of the student experience and effective organisational management.

The Board of Trustees is the senior body acting with legal and strategic/operational accountability for Metanoia Institute. The various authorities and actions pertaining to the Board of Trustees are detailed in two formal documents: the organisation’s Articles of Government and Articles of Association. These include: responsibility for corporate governance, corporate performance monitoring, financial stewardship, and the on-going management, appraisal, and support of the Chief Executive Officer.   

The members of the Board of Trustees are:

  • Sally Glen (Chair of Board of Trustees)
  • Dotun Olaleye (Vice Chair and Chair of Finance Sub-Committee)
  • Nafeesa Mitha (Trustee and Chair of Audit and Risk Sub-Committee)
  • Kelvin Jones (Trustee)

The work of the Board of Trustees is supported by three specialist sub-committees: the Finance Sub-Committee (FSC), and the AuditRisk Sub-Committee (ARSC) and the Staffing and Remuneration Sub-Committee (SARSC).

The purpose of the FSC is to assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling their statutory financial responsibilities and in discharging their duties diligently and efficiently. The purpose of the ARSC is to scrutinise financial controls with regard to internal risk assessment and the performance and objectivity of external auditors whom they shall appoint; also to present audited financial statements to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The purpose of the SARSC is to oversee and support policies and practice in relation to Human Resources functions and to make proposals to the Board of Trustees for implementation.