Access and Participation Statement
🚩 29 Nov 2024: We’re updating our site in preparation for the launch of 25/26 admissions. Subscribe to our mailing list and follow us on LinkedIn for updates.
Metanoia Institute values the wealth of experience, skills and knowledge that students from a wide and diverse range of backgrounds bring to the Institute and to the learning experiences of others. We welcome a rich diversity of learners and aim to foster a culture of inclusion and belonging, respect and celebration of difference, where students, staff and our wider community are valued and safe.
Metanoia Institute is committed to continuously improving the rates of access, success and progression amongst groups where participation in higher education and entry to the counselling and psychotherapy professions remains low. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals from areas of significant deprivation, students of particular ethnicities, learners with a disability or particular need, care-experienced individuals, refugees and people from other communities such as Gypsy, Roma or those from a Traveller background. Metanoia fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment that reflects the professional values of counselling and psychotherapy.
Read our Access and Participation Statement below.